
Mobile friendly AngularJS carousel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AngularJS Touch Carousel

This is a simple carousel implementation for AngularJS ng-repeats, optimised for mobile devices.

Demo : http://revolunet.github.io/angular-carousel and making of article : http://blog.revolunet.com/blog/2013/05/02/angular-carousel-making-of/

Comments and contributions welcome :)

Proudly brought to you by the @revolunet team.

Usage :

Add a dependency to angular-carousel module in your application.

Then, just add a rn-carousel attribute to your <ul> block and your <li>'s become magically swipable ;)

<h3>Discover sports</h3>
<ul rn-carousel class="image">
  <li ng-repeat="image in sportImages" style="background-image:url({{ image }});">
    <div class="layer">{{ image }}</div>

Of course, include angular-carousel.js and angular-carousel.css in your project.

Features :

  • Mobile friendly, tested on webkit+firefox
  • CSS 3D transformations with GPU accel
  • rn-carousel-index two way binding to control the carousel position, see demo page.
  • rn-carousel-indicator to turn on the indicator, see demo page.
  • rn-carousel-buffered to buffer the carousel, good if you have many or unlimited items inside.
  • rn-carousel-on-end="addSlides(index)" : callback called when carousel reach the penultimate slide. you can then add elements if needed.

Scope properties :

  • The carousel adds some useful properties to the ngRepeat scope :
    • activeIndex : the current active index

Todo :

  • moar tests :)
  • perfs improvements
  • optional auto-slide
  • optional auto-infinite (restart at 0 at the end)
  • buffering : allow buffer size tuning (default=3 slides)
  • buffering : add intelligent indicators



As AngularJS itself, this module is released under the permissive MIT license. Your contributions are always welcome.