Quickstart for Openshift to start a new Blog running on Ghost
Ghost is a free, open, simple blogging platform that's available to anyone who wants to use it. Lovingly created and maintained by John O'Nolan + Hannah Wolfe + an amazing group of contributors.
Visit the project's website at http://ghost.org!
This quickstart allows to run Ghost on Redhats Platform-as-a-Service Openshift Online
##Get an Account
If you don’t already have an OpenShift account, head on over to the website and signup. It is completely free and Red Hat gives every user three free Gears on which to run your applications.
This client requires a command shell with a working git
command and the OpenShift Client tools. These tools, known as rhc
are built and packaged using the Ruby programming language. They allow you to manage your gears and applications from the commandline. The installation of these tools is explained here.
##Creating your Gear
For Ghost you will require a nodejs-0.10 gear with installed MySQL. You can easily set this up with rhc by doing:
rhc app create %appname% nodejs-0.10
rhc cartridge add mysql-5.1 -a %appname%
Here %appname% is a name choosen by you for your new blog. rhc will have created your app now and cloned the git repository into a subfolder named %appname%
##Adding the Quickstart
The last thing you need to do is add the code of this repository to yours.
cd %appname%
git remote add upstream -m master https://github.com/Laures/ghost-openshift-quickstart.git
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
git push
Congratulation. With this push openshift will start your Ghost blog automaticly and store all your entries in the MySQL database.
##Accessing your blog
You can access your blog by visiting the URL of your gear (%appname%-%namespace%.rhcloud.com
##Changes done to Ghost
To get ghost to run on openshift, some changes had to be done to the project:
###Initial Configuration
Openshift offers configuration helpers and also expects hosted applications in certain ways. Because of that ghost is by default configured with the help of environment variables provided by openshift.
Pre-set values contain:
- the blog url
- ip and port of the http listener (required by openshift)
- connection to the MySQL database (required by openshift)
###Application Entry Point
Openshift expects the entry-point into a node application to be the server.js so the original index.js was renamed accordingly.