
This project is an exercise to setup a typescript project from scratch, to understand the different parts that are involved in the process.


  1. configure the typescrip compiler using es6 module settings.
  2. add webpack to run the app on the browser a, using the babel-loader.
  3. add test using mocha/chai
  4. add coverage reports using nyc

The code used is a naive implementation of a state machine.

Notes on npm and typescript

Update npm

npm i -g npm@latest

Install the project

npm install

Run the project

Build the project

npm run build

Running the node app

node dist/main.js

launching a python server

python -m http.server 8080


Run the tests

This runs a script that set an env variable for mocha.

  • without coverage
npm test
  • with coverage Test reports are generated under the coverage folder, the coverage is also displayed in the console.
npm run test-with-coverage