The LaurieWired 2023 Halloween Sorting Challenge 🎃

Have you ever wanted your code roasted on a LaurieWired Youtube video? Do you like Neon Genesis Evangelion and think your personal sorting algorithm outclasses decades of computer science research? Do you also enjoy custom, low-quality prizes being sent to your house? Here's your chance!


Sort a list of intgers from smallest to largest. Anything goes.

📜 Rules

  • You must use one of the codestubs contained in the code_stubs folder in this repository.
  • C++, Java, Python, Go, Javascript, and Rust are allowable entries. Other languages may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • You must call the included print function after each iteration/step/operation of your algorithm. This will be used to produce visualizations of your algorithm for the video. (see
  • Integers will be sent via stdin seperated by spaces. (see example_test_cases.txt)
  • If I need to use a non-standard method to compile your code, call it out in the code comments.

🕛 Deadline

Submissions will close at approximately 23:59 PST on Saturday, 10/28/2023.

📥 How to Submit

All submissions must be sent as a private gist via this form:

Submit Form

The most interesting submissions will be featured in a special upcoming Halloween LaurieWired video.

🎁 Prize

All "finalists" (aka entries that get featured in the upcoming LaurieWired video) will recieve a special custom gift from LaurieWired, mailed to an address of their choosing.

🤓 but I'm built diFfErEnt!

Oh, wow! Look at you, coding in something no one's ever heard of! You think that makes you unique? Please!

If you're dead set on being "that guy" that codes in raw ASM or some offbeat programming language, at the very least, stick to the example code stubs' format. Accept input via stdin, output to stdout at each iteration, and if your code's a wild puzzle, provide clear compile and run instructions.

Keep in mind, if it's extremely annoying to run, I probably won't use it in the video.