
The LOLK Programming language is a new programming language which I have made for fun and to learn something on the way.

Primary LanguagePython



This project depends on the sly library. Install it with: $ pip3 install sly

Then you need to,

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/LauritsLL/LOLK-Programming-Language.git
  2. Run the lang_interpreter.py or the lang_compiler.py file, which depends on if you want to use the in-built interpreter or compile a file.

Use the in-built interpreter.

Run the file lang_interpreter.py and it will automatically enter the prompt, where you can type code.

Use the compiler

To compile your own files, run the lang_compiler.py file, and type in the path to your file. F.ex.:

What file do you want to use (Starting in root directory {DIRECTORY}) test_lang.lolk

This would run the interpreter on the test_lang.lolk file and display the output in real-time.


  • Laurits L. Lolck - Main developer of project

Use of this code

This code can be used freely commercially or personal.

But I would very much appreciate if you would acknowledge me in your code and link to this project.