Astro + React Example

npm init astro -- --template framework-react


  • desktop styles
  • mobile style
  • add printmode styles sheet
  • add .astro formatter
  • add I18N

Hey everyone, I'm so excited to use astro and astro make a awesome DX!!. but there has a problem I found

I used Astro.fetchContent to load marddown file, and i tried to patch the function to let me can fetch different language markdown file like below.

const fetchPatch = (fetchFunc) => 
    (path, lang) => fetchFunc(combinePath(path, lang))


But i got the problem, the dev server always return 500.

And after many tried, I found it cannot use variable as Astro.fetchContent function argument.

var path = './'
const contact = Astro.fetchContent(path);

The code above is even not work, Its return Error

Cannot read property 'astro' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'astro' of undefined
    at eval (/src/content/Contact/index.astro:42:27)
    at renderToString (../../../src/runtime/server/index.ts:377:42)
    at Module.renderComponent (../../../src/runtime/server/index.ts:129:38)

Are there any idea or suggestion, thank for reply!!