
[Bug]: Unable to Handle "?" Version During Remote API Call

Sapper609 opened this issue · 3 comments

All of the following criteria must be met

  • All Requirements must be installed.
  • Changed the title so that it doesn't just says "[Bug]: "
  • I have searched the GitHub issues for my bug, even in the closed issues.

All of the following are optional to answer

  • Tried reinstalling the Game.
  • Tried reinstalling MelonLoader.
  • Tried restarting PC.
  • Was able to see the Start Screen.

Describe the issue.


  • .NET 6.0 Runtime installed
  • Windows 11 Computer
  • VS 2022


After simply installing Melonloader to Phasmophobia, I tried to run the game and I am getting a reflection error that it is unable to handle a "?" version during the Contacting RepoteAPI call.

Sample of Call Stack

[20:26:23.109] Loading Il2CppAssemblyGenerator...
[20:26:23.144] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Contacting RemoteAPI...
[NewEntryPoint] Caught exception invoking PreStart! System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 ---> System.ArgumentException: Invalid version '?'. (Parameter 'version')
   at Semver.SemVersion.Parse(String version, Boolean strict) in D:\a\MelonLoader\MelonLoader\MelonLoader\Semver\SemVersion.cs:line 107
   at MelonLoader.Il2CppAssemblyGenerator.RemoteAPI.ContactHosts() in D:\a\MelonLoader\MelonLoader\Dependencies\Il2CppAssemblyGenerator\RemoteAPI.cs:line 104
   at MelonLoader.Il2CppAssemblyGenerator.RemoteAPI.Contact() in
 D:\a\MelonLoader\MelonLoader\Dependencies\Il2CppAssemblyGenerator\RemoteAPI.cs:line 51
   at MelonLoader.Il2CppAssemblyGenerator.Core.Run() in D:\a\MelonLoader\MelonLoader\Dependencies\Il2CppAssemblyGenerator\Core.cs:line 58
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Crash Logs

Please see the attached logs below

Did you attach your log file?

Yes, I attached my log file to the text box above.

Phasmophobia is unsupported. It has measures against ML and we do not support it.

Phasmophobia devs has requested that we not allow MelonLoader to run on their game. Even if you get around this issue, the game will detect MelonLoader and crash itself.

I did not know that! Thank you for such a quick response, and respecting their wishes by not allowing this to be loaded into their game.

I will do the same and not try to find a work around.

Thank you!