Eskimi Advertising Campaign

feature image

Technical Details

  • The application was built using the following:
    • PHP 8
    • Laravel 8.*
    • Laravel Sail - CLI for Docker development environment.
    • Laravel Sanctum - Authentication (SPA + API).
    • Laravel Breeze with Inertiajs - for simple authentication UI scaffolding.
    • Vue.js for frontend.
    • TailwindCSS.
    • Caching. The default driver is file. However, the development setup allows to use memcached, which is recommended.
  • APIs are used for managing advertising campaigns.
  • While running the application, the following operations are queued to improve speed. To open the queue worker ./vendor/bin/sail artisan queue:listen:
    • Forgot password notification.
    • Running the AdCampaignSeeder for the banner images If you do not wish to use queues, you can simply change the QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync in your .env file

System Requirements

  • Composer
  • PHP 8
  • Docker

Development Environment Setup

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Install the dependencies with composer install

  3. Run composer run-script post-root-package-install: To run post-install scripts.

  4. Run composer run-script post-create-project-cmd: To run post-install scripts (application key, storage link, etc).

  5. Run ./vendor/bin/sail build --no-cache: To build the docker images.

  6. Start the application docker service with ./vendor/bin/sail up -d.
    The -d flag is to run the service in the background.
    If you run into this error:

    Cannot start service laravel.test: Ports are not available: listen tcp*: bind: address already in use

    It means that your system has a service running on the specified port. To fix this without affecting anything, open your .env file and scroll down to uncomment the variables to configure the desired ports. Then, re-run the command.


    If you do change your APP_PORT, ensure you modify your APP_URL to reflect it as well. Else, images may not display.

  7. Run the migrations with ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate

  8. Note: Since we are using Docker to setup, you can modify CACHE_DRIVER=memcached in your .env file.**

  9. Open your browser and visit:


Run ./vendor/bin/sail artisan test
