
My projects for the WP course at university (2nd year, 2nd semester)

Primary LanguageC#


My projects for the WP course at university

Lab 1 - HTML

Create a single HTML web page using only basic HTML language.

Lab 2 - CSS simple

Write a web page which displays a number of images in a table. The table should be formatted using a style sheet. Also when the mouse is over an image, the image should increase opacity with a specific amount.

Write a web page which has on top of it a rainbow built using divs and gradient colors. The rainbow should be tilted with an angle (it should not be perfectly horizontal) and the width of the rainbow on the left side should be smaller than the width of the rainbow on the right side.

Lab 3 - CSS layout

Develop an html+css web document that looks like the following web page: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html. You should clone about one screen of this web page (not the whole web page) and your html document should look approximately 90% as the given web page. No interactivity should be added (e.g. javascript, :hover effects etc.) and you are not allowed to use any css or javascript library.

Lab 4 - Javascript

Write a javascript which will be used in an html document that contains a tabel with 3 columns and several lines. When the user clicks the table header the script will sort in ascending order the elements from the current column. If the user clicks again on the column header, the elements will be sorted in descending order (1 version sorts only the columns, and another sorts all entries).

Lab 5 - JQuery

Write a web page which displays a vertically sliding desktop like the ones used on the Android or iOS. The web page should have 4 desktops, each desktop having a distinct transparent background color or image and having distinct textual and image content. A desktop is a large div occupying (exactly or almost) the whole browser window. By default, desktop no. 1 should be shown to the user. If the user clicks somewhere on the desktop the desktop should be slided vertically to the bottom of the window and from the top of the window desktop no. 2 should slide vertically and occupy the whole browser window. Desktop sliding should be an animated transition and one desktop should not just instantly dissapear and the next desktop be displayed instead.

Lab 7 - PHP

Write a web application for managing users in an enterprise system. The application should maintain various information about users in the database (i.e. name, username, password, age, role, profile, email, webpage etc.). The application should implement: user browsing (use AJAX for retrieving users from a specific role), user lookup based on his name, adding, removing and updating a user. Also, on the browsing page, the filter used for the previous browsing action (i.e. role), should be displayed (do this in javascript).

Lab 8 - Angular

Develop an Angular UI (user interface) for the PHP lab task from Lab7.

Lab 9 - JSP

Write a web application for maintaining a collection of URLs for a list of users. Each user can add or delete URLs from his/her collection. The user must authenticate prior to using the application. A guest user (i.e. not authenticated) can still see a list with the top 10 most popular URLs, but an authenticated user can see a list with the top N most popular URLs, where N is configurable by the user.

Lab 10 - ASP.NET

Solve the same problem you got for the PHP lab, but using the ASP .NET technology. In addition to the specification for the PHP lab, your application must implement user authentication and ask the user to authenticate himself/herself prior to actually using the web application (based on an username and password saved in the database).