- Install Laragon server in C:\ drive
- Install github desktop:
- Login with your github account
- Click ‘file’ then ‘clone repository
- Choose ‘URL’
- Set url = “https://github.com/lavizafalaknaz/devops”
- Set local location as “C:\laragon\www\devops”
- Click ‘okay’
- Open in VISUAL STUDIO CODE - verify the code with github repo
- Open in explorer to verify local location (C:\laragon\www\devops)
- Make some changes to the index file 'change echo text and save'
- now , launch laragon and select ‘web’
- Choose ‘Devops’ as system and check if the file works
to commit to main repo, choose SOURCE CONTROL from VS code and commit with message. then go to github desktop and commit to main repo hosted online.
- To manage data on ClearDB, install mySQL workbench and login to the database with the same credentials.
( https://github.com/LavizaFalakNaz/DevOps )
( https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AwIeKZvAvOsJ2jf8I_c0eg60lkGpZM8F?usp=sharing )
( )
- Server: us-cdbr-east-05.cleardb.net
- Database Name: heroku_7fce67cb249adf3
- Username: bcc77e1841a73a
- Password: dd32e024
- Port number: 3306
Must include this line in every php page for database connection. the connection works successfully
include "config/config.php";