
this is a drone application developed to demonstrate the building of spring boot RESTful APIs. The application can register new drones,checks drone availability before trying to load any medication. It also checks drone battery level to avoid using drones with too less percentage battery. This is achieved by receiving HTTP requests in JSON format.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project is about a drone application that registers new dronesused for carrying medication


Basically, the project has the contoller class the "DroneEntityClass and MedicineController" for recieving http requests from postman and map them to the related data. The model package has three JavaBean Classes "DroneHistory,DroneEntityClass and MedicineEntity"- these classes are validated with the expexted data. Repositories are also available in the form of DroneHistoryRepository,MedicineRepository and DroneRepository The service class is implemented by the ServicesInterface_Implementation class where there are methods for peforming specific roles. The in-memeory H2 database was used for testing data insertion purposes.

CODE STYLE the ccode was written following Java coventions especially in naming variables and methods

FRAMEWORK The Spring Boot frame work was used.