Gottta catch 'em all
- Displaying nested information from an external API in differnet locations (ie pictures for each pokemon on main page out of each pokemons object)
- Praticed Using Angular JS
- Worked on testing angular factories with Jasmine
- How to use Bourbon and Sass
- AngularJS
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- Sass
- Jasmine
- as a user, I can access an individual page for each of the 721 pokemon
- as a user, I can see a page with all of the pokemon in sprite form with their name and numbers
- as a user, I can click on one of these pokemon to be taken to their full page
- as a user, on the main page, I can filter by pokemon type
pokemon factory
- have reference keys for all the regional pokedexes
- key for pokemon egg groups and movesets
- maybe try to migrate all the AJAX requests here
- HM/TM list
main page
- complete pokemon list with sprites with a search function that filters in real time (angular)
- Fliter Pokemon by type, region etc.
- Add regional Pokedexes
- Multiple pages to increase loading speed.
pokemon page
- moves list, sorted my learn method and level moves, when clicked, bring up a modal with more info from another query to the API
- image on banner with name, species, abilities
gymleader page
-select game from menu
-display gym leader name, badge, reward and pokemon
teambuilder page
- dropdowns for pokemon selection 4 dropdowns for move selection (maybe make directive?)
- elemental analysis tool to find group weaknesses, etc
- keep back-end in mind as we build, node users will be useful for team building
breeding guide page
- (load pokedex with a custom key for egg groups and movesets)
- make an egg group/breeding move calculator to find matches
IV Caluclator Page
- fix the ng-options or add a seperate ng-modeled input to make it more smooth
- add a save pokemon feature - localstorage for now.