
The template discord bot that I created, and will update/use as a base for all of my future Discord bots.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL



  • Do not ask me how to run this bot
  • Do not ask me how to update it, fix it, or put any effort into it
  • If you are looking for how to make a Discord bot, look up a tutorial (ensure Discord.js is the latest major version. Discord loves breaking changes, e.g Intents)

This bot will NOT work.


Template-Discord-Bot is a discord bot created to mainly help myself in the future, but also yourself, if you wish to use it.

Initial Setup

  • Download all of the files

  • Create a .env in the main folder: /Template-Discord-Bot/.env

  • In that env, insert your MONGODB_URI and DISCORD_BOT_SECRET - example: (Your MONGODB_URI can partially be found in cloud.mongodb.com --> collections --> Command Line Tools --> Connect Instructions --> Connect Your Application --> Copy) (Your Discord Bot Secret can be found at https://discord.com/developers/applications --> Create a new application, select it --> Bot --> Token (Copy) )

  • !TODO : Add everything with Heroku, and how to add it to Github


  • Do everything in ##Installation

  • In index.js, change the bot invite link (or delete it if you want) (To get your client ID, go to https://discord.com/developers/applications --> select your application --> General Information --> Client Id (Copy))

  • In index.js, in bot.on, look at bot.user.setActivity. There's a piece of commented code you can uncomment, and a basic example.

  • Run the bot using Node.js (navigate in your CLI to the folder, then run node index.js)

  • Everything with this bot should work fine, without errors. If anything has an error or whatever, message me on Discord, please.

  • In /lib/example, there are a few commands that you can comment/delete if you want. (They're example commands to show you how you might add, and deal with, the database)


Lawlzer is the main author of this code. If you want to contact him (me) at any point, for any reason, message Lawlzer#4013 on Discord.


Lawlzer is willing to help you with any questions you have, or anything at all, if you message him on Discord. Read ##Author


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


License: WTFPL