
Tooling to clone the crates.io repo

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


This tool (by default) will mirror the entirety of crates.io for you.

Unsurprisingly, this requires quite a lot of space. Assume you need a terabyte, as of my writing this in December 2023. (Strongly consider using a compressed btrfs or other filesystem to host this, in which case you can probably cut it by half.)


First we need to build this (no shocks here):

cargo build --release

Then we need to check out the Git crate index (in this example, into the ./index directory, which will be created if it doesn't exist):

./target/release/librarian -i ./index index-update

Finally, we need to download the crates (in this example, into ./corpus, which will again be created if it doesn't exist):

./target/release/librarian -i ./index populate -c ./corpus

Note that the corpus will have some extra levels based on the first 1-2 characters of the crate name, just to not stress your filesystem too much.

The index-update and populate commands can be run again to update existing indices and corpora: you don't have to do a full redownload each time.