
A standalone Gopher interface for Wordpress. Written in Python, mostly to confuse people.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

wp-gopher 0.3.0 (You RLIKE me!)


Provides, in conjunction with an inetd superserver, a Gopher interface to
Wordpress 2.2 and later. (Valid as of Wordpress 3.0, anyway.)


- Some sort of *nix. I've tested it on Linux, but really, anything should do.
- Python 2.4 or later.
- Python-MySQLdb 1.2 or later.
- A Wordpress installation with a database layout compatible with WP 2.2-3.0.


1. Copy wp-gopher.py to a suitable location. /usr/local/sbin would probably do.
2. Copy wp-gopher.ini.dist to /etc/wp-gopher.ini and alter the variables to
   those matching the Wordpress installation.
3. Set up inetd to pass gopher requests to wp-gopher.py. The supplied
   gopher.xinetd file can be used to configure xinetd, assuming wp-gopher.py is
   installed in /usr/local/sbin.
4. Reload (x)inetd and enjoy.

Problems, Reports, Patches

Send them to Adam Harvey at wpgopher@adamharvey.name.


- It's weird talking about yourself in the third person (see above).
- This is technically correct. The best kind of correct.
- No, I don't know why I wrote this either.