
Analysis of Python Developers Survey 2019 Results collected by JetBrains

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Python Dev Survey Analysis

Analysis of Python Developers Survey 2019 Results collected by JetBrains.

Raw data can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GW86M_QLFOA2KyeWeb8hzBj_RqQIXmAU?usp=sharing

Project was performed as a demo and this restricted the work to a < 1 week timeline. The demo was to show how you might perform and present a cluster analysis. This was the sole reason that a cluster analysis was performed over other techniques.

Results of Cluster Analysis

Questions were analyzed in 3 groups: (1) how involved are you with, (2) general, & (3) how often do you.

How could analysis be used?

If these clusters were to be used to segment PyCharm customers. The main groups might be:

  • Less experienced programmers, interested in more Data Science focused features (Cluster 3)
  • More experienced programmers, interested in more traditional Software Engineering features (Clusters 1 & 4)
  • Python web developers that are likely more interested in tools for building web applications (Cluster 0)

Analyzing / polling these groups might lead to valuable market analysis of these segments.

Cluster differences on 'how involved are you with' questions

- Our most experienced cluster is the most involved with varying techniques - Our least experienced cluster is the most involved with more "Data Science" techniques - Cluster 0 doesn't stand out in many ways other than their preference for web dev

Cluster differences on general questions

Order of average coding experience: 4, 1, 0, 2, 3

Order of average Python experience: 4, 0, 3, 2, 1

  • Cluster 1 had the biggest change in experience compared to general programming experience. (they dropped from 2nd to last)
  • Cluster 3 had the 2nd biggest change in experience compared to general programming experience. (they jumped from last to 2nd)

- Cluster 1 are least likely to be primarily Python users - Cluster 2 has ~20% secondary Python users - Remaining clusters are primarily primary Python users

Cluster differences on 'how often do you' questions

- This explains why Cluster 2 exists. Cluster 2 was by far the least likely to mark that they did any of these activities šŸ¤¦. - Cluster 4 (most experienced programmers) does most all of these activities the most. Cluster 0 is right behind. - Cluster 3 (less experienced programmers) does most of these things the least. - Cluster 0 doesn't stand out in many ways other than their preference for web dev.

Final Cluster Summary Statements

Cluster 0

Might be a group of Python web developers. Could be of interest to see this cluster's affinity for flask / django / etc.

Cluster 1

Python is not their first choice for programming. They are experienced programmers, and they use varying technologies and techniques

Cluster 3

Less experienced programmers with a focus on data science style tasks. Is their lack of programming experience due to a lack of experience in industry or due to a heavier focus on the math/stats of data science tasks?

Cluster 4

Most experienced Programmers and most experienced Pythonistas. They are more classical programmers than they are data scientists.

Cluster 2

Might not be a cluster of interest. Membership seems mostly based on not answering the "How often do you... ?" series of questions.


  • This analysis ignored many of the survey participants and many of the questions.
    • These decisions were made due to a short project timeline.
  • Treating a lack of response as an indication of not using a technology / technique should be revisited.
  • There is survey data available for 2017, 2018, & 2019. Only 2019 was considered. Could previous results be leveraged in analysis?

How could analysis be used?

If these clusters were to be used to segment PyCharm customers. The main groups might be:

  • Less experienced programmers, interested in more Data Science focused features (Cluster 3)
  • More experienced programmers, interested in more traditional Software Engineering features (Clusters 1 & 4)
  • Python web developers that are likely more interested in tools for building web applications (Cluster 0)

Analyzing / polling these groups might lead to valuable market analysis of these segments.