#### cc-tool version 0.26 cc-tool provides support for Texas Instruments CC Debugger #### Project home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cctool/ #### Building from source, dependencies: Ubuntu: libusb-1.0, libboost-all-dev, Fedora: boost-devel, libusb1-devel Mac OS 10.6.7, from ports: libusb boost pkgconfig #### User guide: man cc-tool #### Additional: File udev/90-cc-debugger.rules cotains udev rules changing permissions for TI CC Debugger device and TI evolution boards so they can be used from non-privileged accounts. Copy it to /etc/udev/rules.d #### Support: Send bug/build problem reports, new feature or new chip support suggestions to george-u@yandex.com If you found a bug try to reproduce it with command line option --log and send the log file along with problem description