
A FastAPI-based service for managing users, profiles, and companies with role-based access control and easy-to-use API endpoints.

Primary LanguagePython


FastAPI UCM is a comprehensive API built with FastAPI that facilitates user and company management functionalities. This project includes endpoints for managing users, companies, and related details, making it a powerful tool for handling various aspects of user and company data within applications.


User Management

  • Register New User:

    • Allows the creation of new user accounts with necessary details such as name, email, and password.
    • Supports additional optional fields such as city, state, country, and profile image.
  • Update User Information:

    • Enables the modification of user details such as name, email, and role.
    • Allows users to update optional fields including their city, state, country, and profile image.
  • Delete User:

    • Provides the ability to remove user accounts from the system.
    • Ensures that associated data (if any) is handled appropriately upon user deletion.
  • List Users:

    • Retrieves a list of all users in the system.
    • Supports filtering and sorting based on query parameters like search string, sort by, and sort direction.

Company Management

  • Register New Company:

    • Facilitates the addition of new company records with essential details such as company name, email, and other relevant information.
  • Update Company Information:

    • Allows modification of company details including name, email, and address.
    • Supports updates to any other company-specific attributes as needed.
  • Delete Company:

    • Provides functionality to delete a company from the system.
    • Ensures that related data (e.g., associated users) is managed as per business rules.
  • List Companies:

    • Retrieves a list of all companies.
    • Includes options to filter and sort the results based on query parameters.
  • Add User to Company:

    • Enables the association of users with a specific company.
    • Handles the addition of users to companies, ensuring that the relationship is properly established.
  • Get Company with Users:

    • Fetches detailed information about a company along with a list of users associated with that company.
    • Provides a comprehensive view of company-user relationships.


  • User Login:

    • Allows users to log in to the application using their email and password.
    • Generates a JWT (JSON Web Token) upon successful authentication, which can be used for accessing protected endpoints.
  • JWT Authentication:

    • Protects routes and resources by requiring a valid JWT token in the authorization header.
    • Ensures secure access to protected endpoints based on user roles and permissions.

Forgot Password

  • Send Forgot Password OTP:

    • Initiates the process for password recovery by sending a one-time password (OTP) to the user's email.
    • Allows users to request OTP for resetting their password.
  • Verify OTP:

    • Validates the OTP received by the user.
    • Ensures that the OTP is correct and within the validity period before allowing password reset.
  • Change Password:

    • Provides functionality for users to reset their password using the verified OTP.
    • Allows users to set a new password and securely update their account credentials.

Background Tasks

  • Email Sending:
    • Handles background tasks such as sending emails for various purposes (e.g., registration confirmation, password recovery).
    • Ensures that email-related operations are performed asynchronously to improve application performance.



  • Python 3.8 or later
  • MySQL or compatible database
  • Environment variables for email and JWT secret key


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/LaxmiNarayana31/fastapi-ucm.git
    cd fastapi-ucm
  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

    pip install pipenv
    pipenv shell
  3. Install the dependencies:

    pipenv install
  4. Set up the environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the root directory and add the required variables listed in .env.sample file.

  5. Run the application:

     pipenv run main

    The application will be available at

API Endpoints

User Endpoints

  • Register New User: POST /user/register

  • Get All Users: GET /user/list

  • Get User by ID: GET /user/{id}

  • Delete User by ID: DELETE /user/delete/{id}

  • Update Current Logged User: PUT /user/update

Login Endpoints

  • User Login: POST /user/login

  • Get User Information by Token: GET /user/info

Company Endpoints

  • Register a New Company: POST /company/register

  • Get All Companies: GET /company/list

  • Get Company by ID: GET /company/{company_id}

  • Delete Company by ID: DELETE /company/delete/{company_id}

  • Update Company by ID: PUT /company/update/{company_id}

  • Add User to Company: POST /company/add_user/{company_id}/{user_id}

  • Get Company with Users: GET /company/userlist/{company_id}

  • Get Company Details by UUID: POST /company/info

  • Get Created and Updated Time of Company: GET /companyinfo/{company_id}

Forgot Password Endpoints

  • Send Forgot Password OTP: POST /forgot_password/otp_sent

  • Verify OTP: POST /forgot_password/otp_verify

  • Change Password: POST /forgot_password/change_password

FastAPI UCM Overview

Feel free to adjust any sections to better fit your project’s specifics or any additional details you want to include.