
Stylestats is a efficient Node.js library for keeping stylesheet statistics.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Stylestats is a efficient Node.js library for keeping stylesheet statistics.

Build Status NPM version Dependency Status devDependency Status


Requires Node.js v0.10.x

$ npm install -g stylestats


$ stylestats path/to/stylesheet.css
│ Size                     │ 498.0B        │
│ Rules                    │ 7             │
│ Selectors                │ 11            │
│ Simplicity               │ 63.64%        │
│ Lowest Cohesion          │ 6             │
│ Lowest Cohesion Selector │ hr            │
│ Total Unique Font Sizes  │ 5             │
│ Unique Font Size         │ 10px          │
│                          │ 12px          │
│                          │ 14px          │
│                          │ 16px          │
│                          │ 18px          │
│ Total Unique Colors      │ 2             │
│ Unique Color             │ #333          │
│                          │ #CCC          │
│ Id Selectors             │ 1             │
│ Universal Selectors      │ 0             │
│ Important Keywords       │ 1             │
│ Media Queries            │ 1             │
│ Properties Count         │ font-size: 5  │
│                          │ margin: 4     │
│                          │ padding: 3    │
│                          │ color: 2      │
│                          │ display: 1    │
│                          │ height: 1     │
│                          │ border: 1     │
│                          │ border-top: 1 │



The Simplicity is measured as Rules divided by Selectors.

Lowest Cohesion

The Lowest Cohesion metric is the count of the declarations of the most declared selector.

Properties Count

The Properties Count is ranking of declared properties. Default option is display the top 10.


You must configure Stylestats before use.


$ stylestats -c path/to/.stylestatsrc


var StyleStats = require('stylestats');
var stats = new StyleStats('path/to/stylesheet.css', 'path/to/.stylestatsrc');

Default configuration is here.

Here is configuration's JSON example of enabling display gzipped size:

  "gzippedSize": true

gzippedSize is default false. because, pretty slow.

CLI Reference

$ stylestats -h

  Usage: stylestats [options] <file ...>


    -h, --help                output usage information
    -V, --version             output the version number
    -c, --config [path]       Path and name of the incoming JSON file.
    -e, --extension [format]  Specify the format to convert. <json|csv>
    -s, --simple              Show compact style's log.
$ stylestats path/to/stylesheet.css -s -c path/to/.stylestatsrc
│ Rules                     │ 7             │
│ Selectors                 │ 11            │
│ Lowest Cohesion           │ 6             │
│ Total Unique Font Sizes   │ 5             │
│ Total Unique Colors       │ 2             │
│ Id Selectors              │ 1             │
│ Important Keywords        │ 1             │
│ Media Queries             │ 1             │

API Reference

StyleStats(stylesheet, config)


Required Type: String

Stylesheet file path.


Optional Type: String

Configuration's JSON file path.

var StyleStats = require('stylestats');
var stats = new StyleStats('path/to/stylesheet.css');

console.log(JSON.stringify(stats.parse(), null, 2));


body {
  color: #333;
  font-size: 14px;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-size: 18px;
section {
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 10px;
  font-size: 10px;
.foo .bar .baz .qux .quux {
  color: #ccc;
  font-size: 12px;
#foo {
  margin: 10px;
  font-size: 16px;
/* Lowest Cohesion Selecotor */
hr {
  display: block;
  margin: 10px 0;
  padding: 0 !important;
  height: 1px;
  border: 0;
  border-top: 1px solid red;
@media (max-width: 600px) {
  .media-queries {
    display: none;

Above the stylesheet's stats tree:

  "size": 498,
  "rules": 7,
  "selectors": 11,
  "simplicity": 0.6363636363636364,
  "lowestCohesion": 6,
  "lowestCohesionSelecotor": [ "hr" ],
  "totalUniqueFontSizes": 5,
  "uniqueFontSize": [ "10px","12px","14px","16px","18px" ],
  "totalUniqueColors": 2,
  "uniqueColor": [ "#333", "#CCC" ],
  "idSelectors": 1,
  "universalSelectors": 0,
  "importantKeywords": 1,
  "mediaQueries": 1,
  "propertiesCount": [
        { "property": "font-size", "count": 5},
        { "property": "margin", "count": 4},
        { "property": "padding", "count": 3},
        { "property": "color", "count": 2},
        { "property": "display", "count": 1},
        { "property": "height", "count": 1},
        { "property": "border", "count": 1},
        { "property": "border-top", "count": 1}

Online Tool

(Coming soon)

Release History

  • v1.1.0: Add universalSelectors metrics.
  • v1.0.0: Major release.


Code is released under the MIT license.