CS-433 Machine Learning - Project 1 Report


  • Lorenzo Drudi - 367980
  • Mikolaj Boronski - 376967
  • Olena Zavertiaieva - 364500

The run.py file contains the code for the best model we obtained.


Check and install the requirements inside requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Implemented Algorithms:

  • Linear regression using gradient descent
  • Linear regression using stochastic gradient descent
  • Least squares regression using normal equation
  • Ridge regression using normal equation
  • Logistic regression using gradient descent
  • Regularized logistic regression using gradient descent

All the algorithms are inside the implementations.py file.

Project structure

  • run.py: file to run to obtain our best model.
  • param_grid_search.py: run to test more parameters on the same model.
  • implementations.py: implementations of all the ML algorithms.
  • src/features: functions for data cleaning and feature processing (NaN replacing, downsampling, columns removal, outliers removal).
  • src/model: functions for training and getting the predictions (k-fold cross-validation).
  • src/evaluation: evaluation metrics (rsme, accuracy, f1).
  • src/utils: utility functions (batch iteration, submission creation, weights generation).

Useful functions implemented

  • Data Cleaning and Feature Processing:
    • Drop calculated features.
    • Drop rows with more than NaN% of values.
    • Remove outliers.
    • Replace NaN with mean, most frequent, or random uniform distribution between min and max.
    • Downsampling (labels balancing).
    • Standardization (z-score).
    • Polynomial expansion.
  • Training process:
    • K-fold cross-validation.
  • Evaluation metrics:
    • F1 score.
    • Accuracy.
    • RSME.