
Code for "Using Large Language Models to Simulate Multiple Humans and Replicate Human Subject Studies"

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Using Large Language Models to Simulate Multiple Humans and Replicate Human Subject Studies

TLDR: Which human behaviors can your large language model simulate? Turing Experiments are better than the Turing Test.

This repo has the code and most of the data for the paper:

  title={Using Large Language Models to Simulate Multiple Humans and Replicate Human Subject Studies},
  author={Aher, Gati V and Arriaga, Rosa I and Kalai, Adam Tauman},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},

Submitted to arXiv on August 18, 2022.

Abstract: We introduce a new type of test, called a Turing Experiment (TE), for evaluating to what extent a given language model, such as GPT models, can simulate different aspects of human behavior. A TE can also reveal consistent distortions in a language model's simulation of a specific human behavior. Unlike the Turing Test, which involves simulating a single arbitrary individual, a TE requires simulating a representative sample of participants in human subject research. We carry out TEs that attempt to replicate well-established findings from prior studies. We design a methodology for simulating TEs and illustrate its use to compare how well different language models are able to reproduce classic economic, psycholinguistic, and social psychology experiments: Ultimatum Game, Garden Path Sentences, Milgram Shock Experiment, and Wisdom of Crowds. In the first three TEs, the existing findings were replicated using recent models, while the last TE reveals a "hyper-accuracy distortion" present in some language models (including ChatGPT and GPT-4), which could affect downstream applications in education and the arts.

Keywords: Turing Test, Large Language Models, Evaluation Metrics


  1. Install necessary dependencies with conda:
conda env create -n turing-experiments -f environment.yml
conda activate turing-experiments
  1. To use OpenAI's language model engines to generate responses add your api key and organization as plaintext to openai_api_key.txt and openai_organization.txt in the root directory (these are ignored by .gitignore).

  2. To download the authors' data files, install and enable git LFS. Then download the data files using:

git lfs pull

The data files are large, so it might take several minutes (~5-10 min) for git LFS to download them from the remote server. Alternatively, the data files can be downloaded from GitHub using the "download raw files" button.


For the Ultimatum Game TE, Garden Path TE, and the Wisdom of Crowds TE, we provide all prompt templates and simulation result data to aid both re-running simulations or re-analyzing results.

For the Milgram Shock TE we provide all prompt templates and, due to space concerns, a selection of representative result data files for both the original and alternative experiment scenarios.

  • scripts/ folder - contains jupyter notebooks and Python scripts for running and analyzing the experiments.
  • src/ folder - contains reusable modules and helper functions
  • data/ folder - contains data files
  • results/ folder - contains final analysis products, like figures

1. Ultimatum Game TE

/scripts/Simulate_Ultimatum_Game_Experiment.ipynb contains a notebook to run and analyze the Ultimatum Game TE. The prompt templates are given in

To query the OpenAI language models and generate new simulation results, uncomment "Section 4. Run Experiment".

Enable git LFS and run git lfs pull to see the authors' consolidated results data files in the data/simulation_results_consolidated/ultimatum_game/ folder.

└── data
    └── simulation_results_consolidated
        └── ultimatum_game
            ├── README.md
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-ada-001_no-complete-accept.json.gz
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-ada-001_no-complete-reject.json.gz
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-babbage-001_no-complete-accept.json.gz
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-babbage-001_no-complete-reject.json.gz
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-curie-001_no-complete-accept.json.gz
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-curie-001_no-complete-reject.json.gz
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-davinci-001_no-complete-accept.json.gz
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-davinci-001_no-complete-reject.json.gz
            ├── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-davinci-002_no-complete-accept.json.gz
            └── UG_surnames_total_money_10_text-davinci-002_no-complete-reject.json.gz

Then run the jupyter notebook to generate the following analysis figures:

Ada vs. Davinci-02 vs. Humans: Ada vs. Davinci-02 vs. Humans Davinci-02 Correlation: Davinci-02 Correlation Davinci-02 Chivalry Effect Average: Davinci-02 Chivalry Effect Average Davinci-02 Chivalry Effect Histogram: Davinci-02 Chivalry Effect Histogram

2. Garden Path TE

/scripts/Simulate_Garden_Path_Experiment.ipynb contains a notebook to run and analyze the Garden Path TE. The prompt templates are given in

The sentence stimuli (garden path sentences and controls) are given in

Enable git LFS and run git lfs pull to see the authors' consolidated results data files in the data/simulation_results_consolidated/garden_path/ folder.

└── data
    └── simulation_results_consolidated
        └── garden_path
            ├── README.md
            ├── GP_surnames_Alternates_2022.json.gz
            └── GP_surnames_Christianson_2001.json.gz

Then run the jupyter notebook at scripts/Simulate_Garden_Path_Experiment.ipynb. The notebook generates the following figures:

Original Sentences Simulated Ratings: Original Sentences Simulated Ratings Original Sentences Simulated Ratings - Control vs. Garden Path: Original Sentences Simulated Ratings - Control vs. Garden Path

By uncommenting lines in Section 1.5. "Experimental Conditions Settings", choose to simulate and analyze results from using the original stimuli (Christianson et al, 2001) or novel alternate stimuli sentences written by the authors.

# Original Sentences
experiment_descriptor_sentences = "Christianson_2001"

# Novel Sentences
# experiment_descriptor_sentences = "Alternates_2022"

3. Milgram Shock TE

Due to the length of the prompt and corresponding cost of running this experiment, the authors do not recommend re-running the experiment or its alternate. We do provide all prompt-templates and code logic used so that others may examine the procedure and replicate if they choose.

The author's consolidated results are avalible in:

Decompress these files into .json format by using gzip -d <filename>. The experiment overview includes full prompts / transcripts for 100 simulated participants.

Prompt templates are available in the following folders:

Logic for running the experiment (using language models to simulate both subject responses and experimenter judgments) are given in following Python scripts:

Note: davinci-text-002 has been deprecated so calling the OpenAI API for it no longer works. To see how the logic works, we have enabled a global flag that causes the script to return mocked values from the functions that call the OpenAI API.

# Set GLOBAL_VAR_MOCKED = False to call the LLM API

Analysis of the results are given in the following jupyter notebooks:

Looking at the analysis notebook outputs may be informative in terms of understanding diversity and error modes of language model completions.

Davinci-02 TE vs. Milgram's Original Experiment Findings: Davinci-02 TE vs. Milgram's Original Experiment Findings Davinci-02 Alternate TE vs. Milgram's Original Experiment Findings: Davinci-02 Alternate TE vs. Milgram's Original Experiment Findings

4. Wisdom of Crowds TE

  • Everything is contained in the following jupyter notebook: scripts\wisdom_of_crowds.ipynb
  • This generates the two figures for the paper in results\wisdom folder
  • The data are stored in data\wisdom_results folder. If you erase the data, the notebook will regenerate them.

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