
Configuration provider for IConfigurationBuilder that adds the config from the old web.config/app.config legacy configurations.

Primary LanguageC#


Microsoft's powerfull ASP.NET Core configuration extensions are also available for .Net 4.7 projects.
To make use of it for .Net 4.x in conjuction with the old App.config/Web.config sources you need a custom provider like this project.

(microsoft docs)


NuGet Installation

From Visual Studio's Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Lz.Microsoft.Configuration.LegacyProvider

In code

IConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = new Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder()
	// ...
	// With defaults section separators (.,-):
	// Or with custom section separators:
	.AddLegacyConfig((new string[] {"."})
	// ...
IConfigurationRoot config = configBuilder.Build();
var appSettings = config.Get<MySettings>();


The benefits of using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration over the old System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager are:

  • Configuration binding to typed classes.
  • Adds support for multiple configuration sources with 1 line of code (CommandLine, Json, Xml, Ini, EnvironmentVariables, User-Secrets tool, Azure, etc).
  • Easily customizable configuration sources.
  • Progressive migration from dotNet 4.X to Core.

Thanks to Ben Foster for his original post.