Brainfuck Interpreter
Brain fuch is an esoteric language, though, it is Turing complete.
The original brainfuck language has 8 instructions only:
increments current cell.curentCell++
decrements current cell.currentCell--
moves the pointer to the right, or increments its position.pointerPos++
moves the pointer to the left, or decrements its position.pointerPos--
stores one byte of input in the current cell.cin >> curentCell
outputs the value of the current cell as an ascii char.printf("%c", currentCell)
executes after bracket if current cell is not zero, otherwise it jumps to the closing bracket.if(currentCell != 0){executeLoop()}
jumps back to opening bracket if the current cell is not zero, otherwise it exits the loop.if(currentCell != 0){executeLoop()}
all of those instructions are implemented in the interpreter, but I added a couple more for more functionality:
exits the interpreter&
prints the current pointer position.cout << pointerPos
this one outputs the value of the current cell as a numeric value.cout << currentCell
Example programs:
Hello world
Printing cell capacity
Copied from Esolangs
Calculate the value 256 and test if it's zero
If the interpreter errors on overflow this is where it'll happen
Not zero so multiply by 256 again to get 65536
# Print "32"
++++++++++[>+++++<-]>+.-.[-]<<[-]<->] <[>>
# Print "16"
+++++++[>+++++++<-]>.+++++.[-]<<<-]] >[>
# Print "8"
# Print " bit cells\n"
Clean up used cells.