
A C# API Wrapper for interfacing with the SauceNao API

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A C# API Wrapper for interfacing with the SauceNao API, based off of the design of the Node JS wrapper, Sagiri.



  1. View the Releases tab and download the latest release and move it to your project directory. After that, add it as a reference to your desired project.

  2. Download it via NuGet using the Package Mangager Console. Type: Install-Package SharpNao


Basic Startup:

using Laz.Api;

// Declare new wrapper instance
SharpNao wrapper = new SharpNao("Your_token_here");

// Configure some settings here if you want
wrapper.ReturnRatings = true;
wrapper.DefaultResponseCount = 10;
// etc

// Get result
SourceResult result = await wrapper.GetResultAsync("Image_Url_Here.com/thing.png");

Configurable Settings:

// If the website decides to suddenly move, you can change the url.
wrapper.ApiUrl = "https://NewUrl.net/search.php";

// This is the default result count that will be used every time you get an image source, unless you override it when using the function.
wrapper.DefaultResultCount = 10;
// wrapper.GetResultAsync("url", 5); // Override

// You can attempt to get a rating for each image allowing you to determain whether the image is explicit or not.
wrapper.ReturnRatings = true;

// If the image's explicitness couldn't be dertamined it will be considered unknown. This settings will cause all unknown values to be returned as Questionable.
wrapper.TreatUnknownAsQuestionable = true;

// If true, any image returned with questionable/Nsfw will be turned into null. This opens the possibility of an array of all null values being returned.
wrapper.PreventExplicitResults = true;

Rate Limits

There are in built rate limits to prevent you from quering the API too much. If you have a permium account, you can override these with

wrapper.ShortTermRateLimiter = new RateLimiter(imagesPerCycle, new TimeSpan(hours, mins, seconds));
wrapper.LongTermRateLimiter = new RateLimiter(imagesPerCycle, new TimeSpan(hours, mins, seconds));


  • Only .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif and .webp images are supported
  • DefaultReponseType exists in case the SauceNao developer(s) ever implement the XML output type (highly doubtful). Setting it to normal will just return a normal html search. The wrapper is not currently setup to deal with this (potentially in the future).