
Initialize a pentesting utility directory with customizable JSON templates.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


optinit is a script that can be used to download a collection of git repositories, binary releases, and scripts to a directory. Though the name "optinit" was quickly obsoleted as the code was adapted very early on to work in any directory, I still recommend /opt as a good place to put your toolbox, as inspired by IppSec. While optinit ships with a default toolset, it is designed to be completely configurable with a set of simple and straightforward JSON variables. Some of the features are very similar between each type of file the script installs, but they differ in small ways to make them more suited to certain tasks, such as the optional release_version variable when configuring binary releases, the location variable that lets you determine whether a shell should be found locally in the optinit folder or via a remote HTTP or FTP URL, and the search_and_replace variable that allows modifications to be made to shell files so that they can be suited for more partcular uses than they would by default.


This project started as a script to initialize my /opt folder with custom scripts of my own creation, public git repositories, and pre-compiled binaries, but as it progressed, I generalized several features and decided that it should be released. This repository is made public for many reasons, including my own convenience, use as a reference by others, and a demonstration of basic scripting and administrative ability. It is intended for use primarily on Kali Linux (ideally via live-build if I ever get apt to work properly...) or single-user pentesting distributions more generally, but it should function on any distribution of GNU/Linux, as long as both Bash and Python 3 are present. There are no plans at this time to support other operating systems. Please note that any dependencies or packages needed are not checked for or included at this time. For further details about installed software, please refer to the files contained in directory_readmes for each folder, which are placed in the respective directories after installation.

At this time, no actions are taken within each repository. This may change in the future, though it may be determined to be outside this project's scope.


Simply clone this repository and run optinit.py with desired arguments. By default, it is not suited to unattended installation - the script will not continue if a recoverable error is encountered, preferring to simply complain and exit. Provide the -i/--ignore-errors flag to exit only on nonrecoverable errors. An internet connection is expected unless the -l/--local-only flag is provided, which disables all remote downloads. When an error is encountered, if the current execution context defines it as requiring program termination, the proper errno error code is propagated to sys.exit().

See the below sections for details on how to configure the script yourself and the given configuration files for examples.


The binary information file is in JSON format, with the name on disk as the key and a dictionary containing its parameters as the value. Each dictionary must contain the following entries:

  • source_url_format: A format string used as the parent directory for downloading the binary and any related files.
  • file_name_format: A format string used to determine the literal file name to download from the remote server.

Additionally, the following optional entries may be used:

  • checksum_file_name_format: A format string used to determine the literal file name for a release checksum file. Requires checksum_algorithm.
  • checksum_algorithm: The type of checksum to use. Accepts "md5", "sha1", "sha256", and "sha512".
  • compressed: If present and true, extract the downloaded binary with gzip before writing it to disk.
  • release_version: A convenience variable to streamline specifying and updating release versions.

The format strings may use any of the other arguments excluding the other format strings*. They may also use arch_string, the arch_strings entry corresponding to the value of arch, which is either "32" or "64".

* You can use the other format strings, but it is not officially supported and the order they are formatted in is not guaranteed to stay the same.

The script automatically detects the python binary architecture to determine whether to download 32-bit or 64-bit binaries.


The repository information file is in JSON format, with the directory name as the key and the remote URL as the value. Adding custom repositories is as simple as adding new entries in this file or providing a custom file. A custom repository file can be selected with -r, which overrides the default, repositories.txt. If the name of an existing repository is changed in this file, updating an existing installation will not delete or rename the original. The ability to track repositories by remote URL may be added in the future.


Shells can be configured similarly to binaries. The shell information file is in JSON format, with the name on disk as the key and a dictionary containing its parameters as the value.

Multiple variables are taken into account to determine the shell file's final location. First, if the shell is defined as a reverse shell in "shell_type", original is joined to the base shell path. Then, the optional "install_subdir" argument (which can be a path string or a list of directories) is joined with this directory. Finally, the name is appended.

There is only one required variable:

  • location: Accepts either "remote" or "local". Local shells will be searched for in the shell directory under the optinit folder by default, but this can be overridden by providing source_path. If set to remote, source_path is required.

The following optional variables are available:

  • shell_type: If set to "reverse", the shell will be placed in the original subdirectory (directly under the shell directory, before any subdirectory). This allows it to work with set_host_port.sh, and providing the -H/--lhost and -P/--lport will automatically run set_host_port.sh with the given arguments after all shells are placed.
  • source_path: For local shells, override the shell directory with a path starting at the optinit folder. For remote shells, set the HTTP or FTP URL to download from. Authorization is not supported at this time.
  • install_subdir: A subdirectory of the shell directory to place the file in. The directory will be created if it does not exist. It can be a path string or a list of directory names.
  • search_and_replace: A list of 2-entry lists. Each entry will have its members passed into the str.replace() function in the shell's text, replacing the first with the second.
  • postfix: A literal string that is appended to the file data. Added after search_and_replace is applied.


The initialization script contains command execution via the subprocess module using data that could potentially be modified by a malicious actor. Please ensure the integrity of these files before using them. Once installed, the code contained here is no longer necessary unless you want to update an existing installation and may be deleted if desired.


This program is distributed under the GNU GPL, version 3 or later; see COPYING. If a file does not contain explicit copyright information, consider it to be a part of this project for copyright purposes. While the licensing of related projects varies, the terms do not apply this project, as it merely provides a method to acquire each piece of software from its original source, and does not redistribute any of them itself. If you would like to redistribute any related projects yourself, please ensure you follow any relevant licensing constraints.