> whoami

  • An ordinary college student, from China.
  • Major in Data Science but know little about it.
  • Keen on programming language learning, but having superficial knowledge of each of them.

LazuliKao's GitHub stats Top Langs

Programming technology stack I have tried yet:

  • XAML & (C# | VB.NET) WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) for Windows Desktop Application.
  • Java Java Web SpringBoot backend.
  • TypeScript Vue.js (vue3 & vite & TypeScript) frontend.
  • C# ASP.NET backend.
  • F# Write Utils using F# script for my own. F# is the best scripting language for me.
  • Python Only basic knowledge of some well-known libraries in Data Science fields such as numpy, sympy, pandas,spacy, but I rarely use Python because I don't like weakly typed language.
  • c/cpp I learned it but haven't applied it to any big project.
  • Rust Rust is well-designed and fantastic, but not productive for me.
  • Go GoLang is easy to use, but I need more convenient Syntactic Sugar.

In my learning list:

  • Blazor ASP.NET Blazor seems useful, full-stack development is never such easy with only HTML & C#.
  • Kotlin Kotlin is well-designed and seems interesting and productive.
  • React Maybe some similarities with Vue.js, but why there is no vue3 compatibled Fluent UI by Microsoft?