
simple 3d engine which could render 3d shapes with color (did not add texturing yet), if you do wish to use remember to change the import paths cause i used different ones, and in the makeCube() method change the vertices to your preferred mesh, this is not a finished engine, just a prototype

Primary LanguageJava

credits to javidx9 3d engine tutorial on youtube, couldn't have done it without him, probably no one will see this but for those who do and wanna learn about 3d graphics go check him out, he does very clear explanations of these

How to use: You will need a custom gameloop panel, or if you wanna use mine which is a simple delta based loop is fine, you could also use a thread.sleep approach but that's not the main thing

if you're using my test simply run it, not much need for explanation here

if you're using your own panel, remember to instantiate Engine3D and call the addCube() method to add a cube

to change the triangle into triangle debug mode, use drawTriRi() for version without the hypotenuse, the parameter org should be the triViewed, if it doesn't work try triTransformed, if nothing works abandon the method, drawTri() is the version where all triangles are drawn, if you wanna remove culling change vecDotPro(normal, camRay)>0.0f to true

also clean the unused imports they're just things i was too lazy to get rid of

that's it

also https://open.spotify.com/track/4cOdK2wGLETKBW3PvgPWqT?si=38f62c7ec03e4479 this song is fire