
Port in python of a C implementation of readline

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Port in python of a C implementation of readline

How to install

Documentation : https://docs.python.org/3/extending/extending.html

To build and install image :

docker build -t img_py_port .
docker run -it -v /pathToDir/:/workspace/ --name cont_py_port img_py_port /bin/bash

Create a virtual env

python3 -m venv myportenv-env
source myportenv-env/bin/activate

To build and install project

python3 setup.py build
python3 setup.py install

case usage

You can read from any FD meaning a socket as well:

import my_readline_module

fd = open('myfile.txt', 'r')

line = None

while (line := my_readline_module.my_readline(fd.fileno())) is not None:


Meaning You can read from STDIN and pair my_readline with an strtok equivalent (.split()) if you intent to build a CLI:

import my_readline_module


line = None

while (line := my_readline_module.my_readline(0)) is not None:
    tokens = line.split()

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