
This repository use vue3.4 + typescript + element-plus + tailwindcss;Secondary packaging of Axios;Automaticakky generate menus and breadcrumb navigation based on router;Equipped with ESLint,Prettier and other tools;

System demonstration


  1. Login

    alt text

  2. Home alt text

  3. Cumstom Components alt text


pnpm install


pnpm dev


pnpm build

Catalog Description

├── public
│ └── favicon.ico
├── src
│ ├── assets        Static files
│ │ ├── images      Images
│ │ └── font        Fonts
│ │ └── style       Styles
│ ├── components    Global shared components
│ ├── design        Global style,mainly for resetting the style of ElementPlus
│ ├── directive     Custom  Directives
│ ├── store         Pinia
│ ├── hooks         Custom Hooks
│ ├── main.ts
│ ├── utils         Global shared utils
│ ├── App.vue
│ ├── types         Type Declarations
│ ├── router        Config of router
│ │ └── modules     Route modules
│ │ └── index.ts
│ └── views         Page files
├── tailwind.config Config of Tailwind
├── package.json
├── vite.config.ts  Config of Vite

Recommended deletion

In order to demonstrate, many business irrelevant dependencies have been added. Before going live for packaging, these irrelevant dependencies will be removed to ensure minimal volume

  1. Code highlighting


  2. Used for displaying tiff images


  3. Leaflet tile diagram

    leaflet leaflet-minimap @types/leaflet

  4. Wangeditor rich editor

    @wangeditor/editor @wangeditor/editor-for-vue