
Primary LanguageJavaScript


GOAL heavier focus on JS and OOP basics. become comfortabel with loops, fucntions, ES6+, more complex methods like .map, foreach, splice, etc. become fluent enough to be able to complete basic JS programs with no help


  • ADD_SUB Just adding and subtracting a number and putting on DOM
  • DOM COURSE A great youtube course to make sure I understand those basics and dont need help in future
  • MINIS A lot of practice here. about 15-20 basic JS interview challenges I was able to complete on my own. (reverse a string, palindrome, longest word(s), isPrime, etc)
  • HANGMAN my final test to myself. I was able to create a Hangman game without looking up any tutorials or help from online.

REFLECTIOn very happy with how this phase went. I definitley feel smooth and comfortabel with any JS problems. was regularly using those complex methods and was approaching the probelems in a smart way. Kep my code very dry the whole time and my code was clean

NEXT I am ready to really start getting into some heavier content. I think I will move to some sort of back end tech now