
Back End for a Flashcards API

Primary LanguageJava


User stories

As a(n) I want to So that
Anon Learner Create an account I can save my cards and stacks
Reg Learner Create a card I can memorize something
Reg Learner Create a stack of cards I can have my cards categorized
Reg Learner Update card I can correct my typos/mistakes
Reg Learner Update stack of cards I can fix the subject name or add new related subjects
Reg Learner Delete card I can erase my embarrassing card names
Reg Learner Delete stack of cards I can get rid of the weird stacks I made...
Reg Learner Fork Cards I can steal soneone else's card and add it to my stack
Reg Learner Fork Stack of cards I can use someone else's stack and modify it
Reg Learner Search by Tags I can to be able to learn from flashcards of a specific subject
Reg Learner Add Tag to Card I can add different subjects to my cards and make them easily found by other learners


Request Description Request Verb URI
Stack Links
Get all Stack Links Get /stackLinks
Get Stack Link By Id Get /stackLinks/{stackLinkId}
Get Stack Links By Learner Id Get /stackLinks?learnerId=learnerId
Get Stack Links By Relationship Get /stackLinks?relationship=relationship
Create Stack Link Post /stackLinks
Update Stack Link Put /stackLinks/{stackLinkId}
Remove Stack Link Del /stackLinks/{stackLinkId}
Get all Learners Get /learners
Get Learner By Id Get /learners/{learnerId}
Get Learner By Username Get /learners?username=learnerName
Create Learner Post /learners
Update Learner Put /learners/{learnerId}
Remove Learner Del /learners/{learnerId}
Get All Stacks Get /stacks
Get Stack By Id Get /stacks/{stackId}
Get Stack By Stack Name Get /stacks?stackName=stackName
Get Stack By Stack Description Get /stacks?stackDescription=stackDescription
Create Stack Post /stacks
Update Stack Put /stacks/{stackId}
Remove Stack Del /stacks/{stackId}
Get All Cards Get /cards
Get Card By Id Get /cards/{cardId}
Create Card Post /cards
Update Card Put /cards/{cardId}
Remove Card Del /cards/{cardId}
Get All Topics Get /topics
Get Topic By Id Get /topics/{topicId}
Get Topic By Name Get /topics?topicName=topicName
Create Topic Post /topics
Update Topic Put /topics/{topicId}
Remove Topic Del /topics/{topicId}
Get All Tags Get /tags
Get Tag By Id Get /tags/{tagId}
Get Tag By Name Get /tags?tagName=tagName
Create Tag Post /tags
Update Tag Put /tags/{tagId}
Remove Tag Del /tags/{tagId}
Get JWT By User and Password Post /login
Topic Links
Get All Topic Links Get /topicLinks
Get Topic Link By Id Get /topicLinks/{topicLinkId}
Get Topic Links By Topic Id Get /topicLinks?topicId=topicId
Get Topic Links By Stack Id Get /topicLinks?stackId=stackId
Create Topic Link Post /topicLinks
Update Topic Link Put /topicLinks/{topicLinkId}
Remove Topic Link Del /topicLinks/{topicLinkId}
Tag Links
Get All Tag Links Get /tagLinks
Get Tag Link By Id Get /tagLinks/{tagLinkId}
Get Tag Links By Tag Id Get /tagLinks?tagId=tagId
Get Tag Links By Card Id Get /tagLinks?cardId=cardId
Create Tag Link Post /tagLinks
Update Tag Link Put /tagLinks/{tagLinkId}
Remove Tag Link Del /tagLinks/{tagLinkId}
Card Links
Get all Card Links Get /cardLinks
Get Card Link By Id Get /cardLinks/{cardLinkId}
Get Card Link By Card Id Get /cardLinks?cardId=cardId
Get Card Links By Stack Id Get /cardLinks?stackId=stackId
Create Card Link Post /cardLinks
Update Card Link Put /cardLinks/{cardLinkId}
Remove Card Link Del /cardLinks/{cardLinkId}