
This will be the backend to a RESTful API Service that will allow one to handle expense refund requests for a company or corporation.

Primary LanguageJava

Expense API

Project Description

This will be the backend to a RESTful API Service that will allow one to handle expense refund requests for a company or corporation.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • PostgreSQL
  • Javalin
  • Mockito
  • JUnit
  • Restful API


Please install Java which you can get from Here.

Next, please run the gradlew command inside the project.

Finally, run the command gradlew fatJar to create the runnable Jar file.


To run the server, go to the location of the created Jar file at /build/libs.

Finally, run the generated snapshot using the command java -jar ExpenseAPI-all-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.


POST /expenses -> Creates a new expense request.

GET /expenses -> Gets all expense requests.

GET /expenses/:id -> Gets expense with id of ":id".

PUT /expenses/:id -> Updates expense with id of ":id".

DEL /expenses/:id -> Deletes expense with id of ":id".


This project uses the following license: Apache License 2.