
Weather App using ExpressJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Udacity Weather App

  • In this directory you can find the source code of my weather app. The structure of the project is the following:
  1. routes(expressJS & Node)
    1. routes.js(routes seperated from server code)
  2. web(static files)
    1. app.js(client side code)
    2. index.html
  3. server.js

Installation & packages

  • Install the packages by simply running the command npm install inside the directory from the comand line
  • (or), instal the following packages:
  1. express
  2. cors
  3. body-parser
  4. dotenv
  5. node-fetch
  • dev, dependencies:
  1. nodemon
  • note: "API key is not included in this project, to test you must create a .env file on the root directory and create the API_KEY variable with the api key from openweather"


  • I have followed the udacity rubric sheet for this project. I have decided to make the fetch to openweather in the server side because I believe it's more secure, so I don't expose my api key to users. Unfortunatly node does not support the fetch api, so another extensions is needed, node-fetch. 😅