Primary LanguagePython

Script used in the study

Link to BioRx


Extract orthologous groups (OGs) from the pangenomic fasta file of anvi'o:

  ./anvio_pan-to-OGs.py < pangenomic fasta file >  


Create a list of OGs after filtration, based on a postive list of genomes.

./anvio_OGs-filtration.py Honey-genomes.list
--pfilter=yes --fraction=0.9 --unwanted=1
--cfilter=yes --maxcopy=1.5 --hfilter=yes
--maxfunctionalindex 0.8 --maxgeometricindex 0.8

Usage: anvio_OGs-filtration.py [OPTIONS] MAIN_FILE

  --mode TEXT                OG inference mode: anvio or OF
  --pfilter TEXT             presence filter: yes or no
  --fraction TEXT            fraction of orgs from the positive list needed
                             to conserve a file

  --unwanted TEXT            Maximum of unwanted org in a file to be conserved
  --cfilter TEXT             copy filter: yes or no
  --maxcopy TEXT             Mean of maximum of sequence of the same org in a
                             file to be conserved

  --hfilter TEXT             homogeneity filter (anvio only): yes or no
  --hindex TEXT              homogeneity index (anvio only): path
  --maxfunctionalindex TEXT  Maximum functional index of anvio (1 perfect) for
                             a file to be conserved

  --maxgeometricindex TEXT   Maximum geometric index of anvio (1 perfect) for
                             a file to be conserved

  --cogtable TEXT            path to cog table
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


Extract OGs from checkm markers file (qa workflow of Checkm):

./Checkm-to-OGs.py  checkm-qa-9.markers --fraction=0.8  

Usage: Checkm-to-OGs.py [OPTIONS] MAIN_FILE

  --maxdupe TEXT   Maximum number of multi hits for an OGs
  --fraction TEXT  minimal fraction of total number of orgs in an OGs
  --help           Show this message and exit.