
Mini API created as a brief challenge to participate in the Golang bootcamp by Wizeline

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weather API

This small API was created as a brief challenge to participate in the Golang bootcamp by Wizeline it consists in two only two endpoints, a Hello world endpoint and one that consumes the Open weather API to tell you the curren weather on a mexican zip code.

Getting started


  • You need to have installed Node 15.0.1 or later and npm 7.0.3 or later.
  • You need tho have an API key from the Open weather API.


  1. Clone the repository in your local machine
  2. Crete an .env file in the config folder, you can use the example.env file as draft. You'll need to put your Open weather API key.
  3. Run npm install to install all the dependencies.


  1. You can start the server with the npm start command or with npm run dev for start it in development mode with nodemon
  2. Once the server is running you can go to your Localhost port 3000 and you'll get the message Hello, World!. That's the firs endpoint
  3. The second endpoint is a GET request to the route /weather. this endpoint expects for a query called zip that should be a mexican zip code. i.e: http://localhost:3000/weather?zip=45050
  4. if the zip code is a valid one you should receive a JSON with the following fields:
  name: city name,
  country: country code
  weather: [
      main: Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)
      description: Weather condition within the group.
      icon: an url for the Weather icon id
  temp: Temperature in Celsius degrees
  feels_like: This temperature parameter accounts for the human  perception of weather
  temp_min: Minimum temperature at the moment,
  temp_max: Maximum temperature at the moment,
  pressure: Atmospheric pressure in hPa,
  humidity: Humidity %,
  date: Time of data calculation,

Running the tests

  • The unit testing can be done with the command npm test
  • For watching the tests during development you can use npm run test-watch
  • For checking the coverage you can run the command npm run test-cover

Code style

This project was developed using the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide via the Eslint library

Build with

  • Node 15.0.1: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Npm 7.03: A package manager for JavaScript.
  • ExpressJS 4.17.1: A fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
  • Dependencies:
    • axios
    • dotenv
    • express
    • eslint
    • jest
    • nodemon