
Fast, simple, light and modular continuous delivery 100% in shell.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Maintainer MIT License


Pulldozer is a simple, light, fast and modular continous delivery tool 100% UNIX compliant

Table of contents



SLACK integration


In some way, CD, continous delivery, as defined today looks too much like new JS framework (i'm joking don't kill me…). New configurations, "new way", new convention, new format…

It's exhausting to update each time workflow, even if it's for better, what about old classic way that just works. What about full compliant manifest ?


In order to work with Pulldozer you need at least three dependencies to be installed and reachable through you $PATH.


Please install the following :

  • jq
  • curl
  • git

Note : be sure you have a correct ssh_key configured with your git repository.

Install Pulldozer

You can follow the following commands :

git clone https://github.com/Kaderovski/pulldozer.git && \
chmod +x pulldozer/pulldozer.sh && \
cd pulldozer && \
sudo ln -s $(pwd)/pulldozer.sh /usr/local/bin/pulldozer && \
pulldozer --help

Should return :

Usage: pulldozer [-h --help] [-d --daemon] [-D --dry-run] [-s --silent] [-x --debug]

Script description here.

Available options:

-h, --help            Print this help and exit
-b, --branch          On which branch pull
-c, --config-file     Where pulldozer.json is located, default in ./.pulldozer.json
-d, --daemon-fmt      Will clean output for daemon journalctl
-D, --dry-run         Dry-run
-m, --mention-slack   Mention a user on slack webhook, expected user_id
-r, --rule            Which post hook rule should be exec 
-s, --silent          Hide output
-S, --slack-webhook   Webhook URL to post on channel
-x, --debug           Enter in debug view


There are few arguments you can use to run your continous integration, most of them can be defined in your configuration file .pulldozer.json (see pulldozer.json.example file).


Display help

# e.g
pulldozer -h
Parameter Type Description
-h --help none Optional. Show help usage

Define production branch

# e.g
pulldozer -b my-branch 
Parameter Type Description
-b --branch string Optional. Chose your production branch to pull

Config file location

# e.g
pulldozer -c /path/to/.pulldozer.json 
Parameter Type Description
-c --config-file string Optional. Where you configuration file is located

Daemon stdout

# e.g
pulldozer -d
Parameter Type Description
-d --daemon none Optional. Remove dynamic stdout in order to match daemon journal

Dry Run

# e.g
pulldozer -D
Parameter Type Description
-D --dry-run none Optional. Only check if pull is needed and return file diff without any write

Slack mention

# e.g
pulldozer -m UA1B2C3D4
Parameter Type Description
-m --mention-slack string Optional. Add a ping to @user when on your slack webhook payload message


# e.g
pulldozer -r django
Parameter Type Description
-r --rule string Optional. Chose a custom logic rule to apply after git pulling located in rules folder


# e.g
pulldozer -s
parameter type description
-s --silent none optional. mute stdout

Slack webhook

# e.g
pulldozer -S https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx/xxxx/xxxxxxx
Parameter Type Description
-S --slack-webhook string Optional. Slack webhook URL


# e.g
pulldozer -x
Parameter Type Description
-x --debug string Optional. Start script with bash -x option

Configuration File

You can specify default options stored in .pulldozer.json located on your project root directory.

Here is default template :

  "prod_branch" : "main", 
  "rule": "django",
  "slack": [
      "webhook": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx/xxx/xxxx",
      "mention": "U1AB2C3D4"

Adding Rules

You can add custom rules to works with differents technologies deployments. You currently have an examle with django application working with gunicorn, but feel free to add your.

How it works ?

Create a new shell file un rules directory.

Put a function named exactly with your rule parameter, it will be call directly after source your custome rule configuration.

Leave the magic do the rest.

