
Projeto final da 1ª etapa do TreinaDev 7 - Feito em Rails

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Freelancer Platform (TreinaDev 7)

Projeto final da 1ª etapa do TreinaDev - Feito em Rails

Diagrama de classe sem cargos de Usuários

Diagrama feito com: Visual Paradigm Online

Também tenho a versão do diagrama com Roles de usuário, porém será ignorado.

Project Started

# Don't run this command
╰─❯ rails new freelancer-platform --skip-action-mailbox --skip-active-storage --skip-action-cable

Ruby version

  • Ruby v3.0.2 | Rails >=

System dependencies


  • rails - Web Application;
  • rspec-rails - Test suite for request, unit and system tests;
  • rubocop-rails - Ensures code adheres to Rails best practices and coding conventions;
  • factory_bot_rails - Automated Seed Generator;
  • devise - Login & Auth manager;
  • simpleCov - Test Coverage Report;
  • pry-byebug - Debugging step-by-step (when needed);
  • shoulda-matchers - Tests with Mock, Stub, Dummy, Fake and Spy;
  • webdrivers - Easy installation and use of web drivers to run system tests with browsers;



Database creation

rails db:migrate

Database initialization

rails db:seed

How to run the test suite


Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)


Deployment instructions

rails server

Access the web application via browser on: localhost:3000

Available Logins

Login as User

E-mail Password
user@test.com 123456
test@test.com 123456

Login as Freelancer

E-mail Password
freelancer@test.com 123456
test@test.com 123456
test2@test.com 123456