
6ª NextLevelWeek da RocketSeat - Trilha do NodeJS, ensinando a utilizar os frameworks backend para criação de rotas e gerenciamento de dados, o projeto NWL Valoriza!

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NLW Valoriza - NLW6-NodeJS (06/2021)


6ª NextLevelWeek da RocketSeat - Trilha do NodeJS, ensinando a utilizar os frameworks backend para criação de rotas e gerenciamento de dados, o projeto NWL Valoriza!

Tecnologias utilizadas:

  • NodeJS => TS;
  • TypeScript;
  • ExpressJS / Express-Async-Errors;
  • TS-Node-Dev;
  • TypeORM / Reflect-Metadata / SQLite;
  • UUID;
  • JWT (Json Web Token);
  • BCryptsJS;


Software Requirements:

# Curl
sudo apt install -y curl
# NodeJS + NPM
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# Yarn
npm install --global yarn


yarn init -y            # Initialize Project Repository
yarn add typescript -D  # Install Typescript dependencies | -D to install all dependencies
yarn tsc --init         # Init Typescript

# Use this to run the server (including any updates you made)
yarn dev

# As node don't understand 'typescript', do this
# to convert index.ts => index.js
# With ts-node-dev, this is no longer needed
#yarn tsc

# Add 'express'
yarn add express -D
yarn add @types/express -D

# To automatize .ts => .js conversion
# Use this library to spend less time and be more productive
yarn add ts-node-dev -D

# For SQLite (This):
yarn add typeorm reflect-metadata sqlite3
# For PostgreSQL:
#yarn add typeorm reflect-metadata mysql
# For MySQL:
#yarn add typeorm reflect-metadata mysql

# Add the *uuid* library to yarn:
yarn add uuid
yarn add @types/uuid -D

# Import async errors detection:
yarn add express-async-errors

# Install JWT lib
yarn add jsonwebtoken
yarn add @types/jsonwebtoken -D

# Library to Encrypt passwords
yarn add bcryptjs
yarn add @types/bcryptjs -D

Aula 1 - Node introduction

Click to expand

Annotations will be added out from code, to keep the code CLEAN.

Annotation src/server.ts:

// @types/express

- GET     => Busca
- POST    => Inserção/Criação
- PUT     => Alterar dado já existente
- DELETE  => Remover
- PATCH   => Atualizar um dado, de um grupo (tipo uma correção)

// Request  => Vem do Client (entrada)
// Response => Vem do Server (saída)

app.get("/test", (request, response) => {
  return response.send("|GET| Olá manito!");

app.post("/test-post", (request, response) => {
  return response.send("|POST| Olá manito!");

app.put("/test-put", (request, response) => {
  return response.send("|PUT| Olá manito!");

app.delete("/test-delete", (request, response) => {
  return response.send("|DELETE| Olá manito!");

app.patch("/test-patch", (request, response) => {
  return response.send("|PATCH| Olá manito!");



On tsconfig.json change:

  "strict": false,                                 /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */

On package.json add after the '"license":' line

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "ts-node-dev src/server.ts"

Aula 2 - User Structure

Click to expand


  • Cadastro de usuário
    • [ x ] Não é permitido cadastrar mais de um usuário com o mesmo e-mail
    • [ x ] Não é permitido cadastrar usuário sem e-mail

Working with Database integration - SQLite

Annotation src/server.ts:

- Route Params  => http://localhost:3000/produtos/47358964378 (id)
- Query Params  => http://localhost:3000/produtos?name=teclado&description=bom&...
- Body Params   => {
  "name": "teclado"
  "description": "bom"
  *Body Params are not used with GET methods, only PUT, POST and PATCH

This will use an ORM to ease the integration process, but we can use native drivers from other DBs too.

Migrations are good for a team creating individual tables on the DB. They store the history from the Entities

Create ormconfig.json:

  "type": "sqlite",
  "database": "src/database/database.sqlite",
  "cli": {
    "migrationsDir": "src/database/migrations"

On package.json inside '"scripts": {'

  "typeorm": "ts-node-dev ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js"

Add migration file running:

yarn typeorm migration:create -n CreateUsers

On ormconfig.json, add to find all migrations correctly:

  "migrations": ["src/database/migrations/*.ts"],

Run this to sync migrations inside the folder:

  yarn typeorm migration:run  # migration:revert to cancel

On ormconfig.json, to find all entities (Tables) correctly:

  "entities": ["src/entities/*.ts"],
  "cli": {
    "entitiesDir": "src/entities"

Add entity file running: Run this to sync migrations inside the folder:

  yarn typeorm entity:create -n User

On tsconfig.json set:

  "strictPropertyInitialization": false,        /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */
  "experimentalDecorators": true,              /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */
  "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,               /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */

Migrations: Entity (User) <-> ORM <-> DB Repositories

Service: Server -> ( ) -> SERVICE (Validation) -> Repositories -> DB

Controller (Request / Response): -> Server -> Controller -> Service -> operations()...

Aula 3 - Continuing the application

Click to expand


  • Cadastro de TAG
    • [ x ] Não é permitido cadastrar mais de uma tag com o mesmo nome
    • [ x ] Não é permitido cadastrar tag sem nome
    • [ x ] Não é permitido o cadastro por usuários que não sejam administradores

Server -> routes -> Controller -> Service (throw new Error)

# Create new migration for tags
yarn typeorm migration:create -n CreateTags
# Run migration
yarn typeorm migration:run
# Create Tag entity
yarn typeorm entity:create -n Tag

Aula 4 - Working with JWT

Click to expand


  • Cadastro de elogios
    • [ x ] Não é permitido um usuário cadastrar um elogio para si
    • [ x ] Não é permitido cadastrar elogios para usuários inválidos
    • [ x ] O usuário precisa estar autenticado na aplicação

This will use the JWT library.

Changes on the Project

# Create a migration to Alter the User Table
yarn typeorm migration:create -n AlterUserAddPassword
# After adding the necessary modifications
yarn typeorm migration:run

If you want an external hash code

Use MD5 Hash Generator to transform: ledragoxnlwvalorizanodejs -> a8a2d0c0f2311a246a45d1a5045c95e6

# Compliments migration
yarn typeorm migration:create -n CreateCompliments
# After adding the necessary modifications
yarn typeorm migration:run

Registering a new Compliment:

  "tag_id": "8d352bfc-1087-4dfe-ac8e-b67ced92286e",
  "user_sender": "1662a6ed-dd0f-4765-916b-d0e097ba2829",
  "user_receiver": "0e93d95e-1431-400e-845b-831047c77ded",
  "message": "Obrigado pelo aulão Dani!"

Aula 5 - Concluding the project

Click to expand

On tsconfig.json change:

    "typeRoots": [
    ], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */
# Add a new library: Class Transformer
yarn add class-transformer