
Basic scene with geometries and gLTF models to control a character in first person camera

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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✨ Motivation

A few months ago I started to working with React Three Fiber. I was impressed with the possibilities the library gives to you to create 3D environments. I saw a wide variety of examples in R3F website so I started to explore more about the project.

There are so many good examples out there, but I get motivated with some of them, for example, a Ping Pong game or even a simple Arkanoid clone.

Since that, I have working in so many pet projects to understand the key concepts of React Three Fiber and also Three.js. I don't consider myself a R3F pro, nor even a beginner, but now I feel confident about the fact that I can create such 3D scenarios.

I started creating basic isometric scenes, but I wanted to move on, so this project is about a simple scene, some geometries and a character who you can move around it with WASD keys and jump with the space bar.

🚩 Technologies

The tecnologies that I have been using to create this projects are:

Library Documentation Purpose
React Three Fiber See the docs The core library with Three.js
React Three Drei See the docs Some useful helpers
React Three Cannon See the docs Physics library

πŸ•ΈοΈ Project Structure

I have been using this structure for all my R3F projects since so long but feel free to modify it.

β”‚       Floor.js
β”‚       Lights.js
β”‚       ThreeModel.js
β”‚       BaseBox.js
β”‚       BaseCharacter.js
β”‚       BaseScene.js
β”‚       helpers.js
  • Components folder: This is where I put all my standalone components such as Lights, Floor (because in my examples I only have one) and models (gLTF).
  • UI folder: In this folder I put all the UI components such as buttons, headers or in this case the base character configuration or even a generic scene.
  • Utils folder: This folder contains a JavaScript file with some functions that I may need to use in different parts of the application.

πŸš€ Basic Explanation

There are a lot of concepts here, but to create a First Person Movement you only need to set up some of them. For more information I encourage you to consult the documentation of the library.

First of all you need to declare the <PointerLockControls /> inside your Canvas. As you can see in the official Three.js documentation, this component allow you to create a First Person 3D game movement with your mouse.

// BaseScene.js
import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { Loader, PointerLockControls } from '@react-three/drei';
import { Physics } from '@react-three/cannon';

import Lights from '../components/Lights.js';
import Floor from '../components/Floor.js';

const BasicScene = ({ children }) => {
  return (
      <Canvas shadows camera={{ fov: 50 }}>
        <Lights />
        <Physics gravity={[0, -9.8, 0]}>

          <Floor rotation={[Math.PI / -2, 0, 0]} color="white" />

        <PointerLockControls />
      <Loader />

export default BasicScene;

Okay, we are close enough. The next step is to go to <BaseCharacter />. I'm not going to explain every line in this file, the important thing to know is that you need to add the useThree() hook to access to the render, scene or even camera (for more info, check the official documentation).

Once here, the next step is to set the direction and include the method .applyEuler(camera.rotation); to update the camera and set the character position at the same direction at the global camera.

// BaseCharacter.js

import { useFrame, useThree } from '@react-three/fiber';

const { camera } = useThree();

// ...

direction.subVectors(frontVector, sideVector).normalize().multiplyScalar(SPEED).applyEuler(camera.rotation);

🌎 Contact

If you have some doubts or need to ask something about the project, feel free to reach me here: