
Unofficial API for Muscle Wiki

Primary LanguagePython

Unofficial MuscleWiki API

This is an API to retreive data from musclewiki. It was created by scraping data from musclewiki.

The API provides information about exercises, including the name, category, target muscles,instructions for performing the exercise and a short video demonstration.


The API provides the following endpoints:

Get workout attributes

This endpoint returns the workout attributes you can filter exercises by.

GET /attributes

Get all exercises

This endpoint returns a list of all exercises.

GET /exercises
GET /exercises?target=<target>&name=<name>&category=<category>

Get exercise by ID

This endpoint returns a single exercise with the given ID.

GET /exercises/int:exercise_id


This API has been deployed to Vercel at https://workoutapi.vercel.app/. To deploy the API to your own Vercel account, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the Vercel CLI by running npm install -g vercel.
  3. Run vercel login to log in to your Vercel account.
  4. Run vercel init to initialize your project for deployment to Vercel.
  5. Follow the prompts to configure your project for deployment.
  6. Run vercel followed by vercel --prod to deploy your project to Vercel.

API Documentation

Full API documentation, including detailed descriptions of the endpoints and response formats, can be found on RapidAPI.