
My specialist thesis

Primary LanguageTeX

Specialist thesis 2016

You need:

  • stack
  • LaTeX distribution (I use TexLive from Fedora 23 repo). Windows users might prefer MikTex as Windows texlive distribution requires 4GB of disk space.

To edit and/or build the docs you need either:

  • TexMaker - build string is given below.
  • Sublime Text 3 - build scripts are embedded into specialist.sublime-project.

Prerequisites installation:

stack setup
stack install haskintex

Texmaker build string

stack exec -- haskintex -overwrite %.htex|pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|bibtex build/%.aux|pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|xdg-open %.pdf

Configure Russian dictionaries

Repo contains russian dictionaries for Sublime Text in extra folder:

  • russian_english.aff
  • russian_english.dic

You need to copy them to sublime packages dir (in root of the dir) and enable it via View -> Dictionary -> russian_english and then F6. Subsequent press of F6 will disable spell checking.