
A tool which generates a changelog and manage version for any git repository using conventional commits specification.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

🦊 Foxy project


This repository is a fork of auto-changelog. I decided to do it because auto-changelog is not maintained anymore and I need some changes for my personal usage. I will publish these changes for everyone to use but I do not promise to answer to feature request and bug fixes.

Sadly I do not have time to provide steps to contribute and not everything will be tested.

Package PyPI - Version PyPI - Downloads PyPI - Python Version
Meta Hatch project linting - Ruff types - Mypy License - MIT

A tool which generates a changelog and manage version for any git repository using conventional commits specification.


It is recommanded to install this tool with pipx to install it in a isolated environments:

pipx install foxy-project

Changelog generation

Runnning the following command in the working environment will generate the project's changelog according to its commit history.

foxy-project changelog

Add to an existing changelog

If you’d like to keep an existing changelog below your generated one, just add <!-- foxy-changelog-above --> to your current changelog. The generated changelog will be added above this token, and anything below will remain.


This is quite useful when changing the tag pattern (e.g. from semver to calendar) used to version a project or to help keeping an old manually generated changelog when integrated conventional commit to a project.

Version management

foxy-project is providing support to automatically generate the version of your python project according to its commit history.

The management is based on setuptools_scm and conventional commit.

As defined in the conventional commit specification:

  • The type feat MUST be used when a commit adds a new feature to your application or library.
  • The type fix MUST be used when a commit represents a bug fix for your application.

Runnning the following command in the working environment will print the project's version the according to its commit history.

foxy-project version


It is also possible to generate a file with the generated version. This behavior is deactivated by default.

Use the version_file and version_file_template option to configure the generation. Embedded templates for .py and .txt are available. A custom template needs to be provided for other type of file.

foxy-project is providing three version schemas which control how the version is incremented.


Based on PEP440. Selected by default.


A commit with feat type activates an increment of the minor, otherwise all other types will activate an increment of the patch. Then appends .devN where N is the distance between the current commit and the previous tag.


Breaking changes and pre-release is not supported yet.


Based on semver.


A commit with feat type activates an increment of the minor, otherwise all other types will activate an increment of the patch. Then appends -devN where N is the distance between the current commit and the previous tag.


Breaking changes and pre-release with other name than dev is not supported yet.


To manage version based on the calendar. Based on (calver). The supported convention is YYYY.MM.Patch with Patch a number not 0-padded starting to 1. (example: 2024.01.1).


A commit with feat type activates an increment of the montg, otherwise all other types will activate an increment of the patch. The year is automatically incremented at the end a year. Then appends .devN where N is the distance between the current commit and the previous tag.


foxy-project can be configured thanks to its command line or configuration files (foxy-project.toml or pyproject.toml).

Configurations files are automatically looked up in the project's folder but custom path can always to passed to the command line.

Configurations from different sources are considered with an defined order. Commande line options overrides configurations from foxy-project.toml which overrides configurations from pyproject.toml.

Python project

pyproject.toml is supported and is the recommanded way to configure python projects.


Hatch is supported out of the box thanks to hatch-vcs. Python projet using other project management tool can use foxy-project directly.

Ensure hatch-vcs and foxy-project are defined within the build-system.requires field in your pyproject.toml file. All other options supported by hatch-vcs can be used. More information can be found in their documentation.

Usure to run hatch version instead of foxy-project version to avoid conflicts.

Only the version management is integrated into Hatch which will generate the good version at build time.

Changelog generation can be configured into a tool.foxy-project.changelog section. If no title and description are provided for the changelog the one from project configuration are taken.

requires = ["hatchling", "hatch-vcs", "foxy-project"]
build-backend = "hatchling.build"

source = "vcs"

version_scheme = "semver-conventional-commit-foxy"
local_scheme = "no-local-version"

tag_pattern = "semver"

Other projects

foxy-project.toml is the recommanded way.

The following configuration block can be added to the foxy-project.toml file.

tag_pattern = "semver"

local_scheme = "no-local-version"

Available configurations

# Changelog configuration

# foxy-project.toml

# pyproject.toml

# Version configuration

# foxy-project.toml

# pyproject.toml
# See <https://setuptools-scm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extending#setuptools_scmlocal_scheme>

Github actions

This repository is providing two composite actions to help automate release on Github actions:

  • setup-foxy-project which set up the lastest version of foxy-project and add the command-line tools to the PATH.
  • generate-changelog which generate the changelog and commit it on a branch.
  • create-release which create a tag and the github release of a new version.

You can look at the workflows (prepare-release and create-release) of this project to see how to use them.

The advantage of this process is that it does not interfere with the protection of the default branch and no personal PAT needs to be created.


You need to allow workflows to create pull request in the settings of the repository.

Command line interface

You can list the command line options by running foxy-project --help:

Usage: foxy-project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  changelog  Generate a changelog based on the commit history.
  version    View project's version based on the commit history.

foxy-project changelog

You can list the options of foxy-project changelog by running foxy-project changelog --help:

Usage: foxy-project changelog [OPTIONS]

  Generate a changelog based on the commit history.

  -c, --config PATH          path to 'pyproject.toml' with foxy-project config
                             or 'foxy-project.toml' , default: looked up in
                             the current or parent directories
  --gitlab                   Set Gitlab Pattern Generation.
  --github                   Set GitHub Pattern Generation.
  -p, --path-repo PATH       Path to the repository's root directory [Default:
  -t, --title TEXT           The changelog's title [Default: Changelog]
  -d, --description TEXT     Your project's description
  -o, --output PATH          The place to save the generated changelog
                             [Default: CHANGELOG.md]
  -r, --remote TEXT          Specify git remote to use for links
  -v, --latest-version TEXT  use specified version as latest release
  -u, --unreleased           Include section for unreleased changes
  --template TEXT            specify template to use [compact, lastrelease] or
                             a path to a custom template, default: compact
  --diff-url TEXT            override url for compares, use {current} and
                             {previous} for tags
  --issue-url TEXT           Override url for issues, use {id} for issue id
  --issue-pattern TEXT       Override regex pattern for issues in commit
                             messages. Should contain two groups, original
                             match and ID used by issue-url.
  --tag-pattern TEXT         Specify regex pattern for version tags [semver,
                             calendar, custom-regex]. A custom regex
                             containing one group named 'version' can be
  --tag-prefix TEXT          prefix used in version tags, default: ""
  --starting-commit TEXT     Starting commit to use for changelog generation
  --stopping-commit TEXT     Stopping commit to use for changelog generation
  --debug                    set logging level to DEBUG
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

foxy-project version

You can list the options of foxy-project version by running foxy-project version --help:

Usage: foxy-project version [OPTIONS]

  View project's version based on the commit history.

  -c, --config PATH               path to 'pyproject.toml' with foxy-project
                                  config or 'foxy-project.toml' , default:
                                  looked up in the current or parent
  -p, --path-repo PATH            Path to the repository's root directory
                                  [Default: .]
  --version-scheme TEXT           Configures how the local version number is
                                  constructed;either an entrypoint name or a
                                  callable. [Default: semver-conventional-
  --local-scheme TEXT             Configures how the local version number is
                                  constructed;either an entrypoint name or a
                                  callable. [Default: node-and-date]
  --version-file PATH             A path to a file that gets replaced with a
                                  file containing the current version.
  --version-file-template TEXT    A new-style format string that is given the
                                  currentversion as the version keyword
                                  argument for formatting.
  --relative-to PATH              A file/directory from which the root can be
  --tag-regex TEXT                A Python regex string to extract the version
                                  part from any SCM tag.The regex needs to
                                  contain either a single match group, or a
                                  group named version,that captures the actual
                                  version information.
  --parentdir-prefix-version TEXT
                                  If the normal methods for detecting the
                                  version (SCM version, sdist metadata)
                                  fail,and the parent directory name starts
                                  with parentdir_prefix_version,then this
                                  prefix is stripped and the rest of the
                                  parent directory nameis matched with
                                  tag_regex to get a version string.
  --fallback-version TEXT         A version string that will be used if no
                                  other method for detecting the version
                                  worked(e.g., when using a tarball with no
  --next                          Use the next possible version instead of the
                                  current one.
  --no-print                      Deactivate the print of the version.
  --no-version-file               Deactivate the generation of the version
  --debug                         set logging level to DEBUG
  --help                          Show this message and exit.