
jQuery plugin that implements two new events : mouseenterintent and mouseleaveintent

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery plugin that implements two new events : mouseenterintent and mouseleaveintent

This plugin also adds three jQuery methods :
    hoverintent : like jquery.hover, but with the intent

Use :
    $(selector).hoverintent(myEnterFunction, myLeaveFunction [, options]);
    $(selector).mouseenterintent(myFunction [, options]);
    $(selector).mouseleaveintent(myFunction [, options]);
    $(selector).bind('mouseenterintent' [, options], myFunction);
    $(selector).bind('mouseleaveintent' [, options], myFunction);

Options :
    maxSpeed           : (default: 150) mouse cursor must go slower than this maximum mouse speed (pixels/s)
    enterTimeout       : (default: 500) if mouse cursor stay this time (ms) inside the element the enter event is triggered
    leaveTimeout       : (default: 300) if mouse cursor go out of the element more than this time (ms) the leave event is triggered
    checkSpeedInterval : (default: 40) interval for mouse speed checks (can't be lower than 10)
    group              : (default: false) treat all nodes in the jQuery selection as one element

This script was inspired by a script written by : Brian Cherne <brian@cherne.net>

Free to use, free to study, free to change, free to redistibute

@author  : Nicolas Deveaud <nicolas@deveaud.fr>
@version : 1.4.1 (realease date: june 26 2011)