
Read environment without hassle

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pip install confik

Running tests

pytest .


import confik

# get a variable
secret_key = confik.get('AWS_SECRET_KEY')

# get a variable and ignore if it doesn't exist
secret_key = confik.get("AWS_SECRET_KEY", raise_exception=False)

# provide a default
admin_username = confik.get("ADMIN_USERNAME", "LeOndaz")
assert admin_username == "LeOndaz"

# provide a default factory

def factory(key):
    return "very_confidential_pwd"

admin_password = confik.get("ADMIN_PASSWORD", default_factory=factory)
# $ very_confidential_pwd

allowed_hosts = confik.get("ALLOWED_HOSTS", cast=confik.csv)

debug = confik.get('DEBUG', cast=bool)

The default confik instance looks for .env in the base directory of your project, if for some reason you have a different place for the .env file, you can use

from confik import read_env

confik = read_env("confik/path/to/.env")

and use it with the same interface as mentioned above.

It's worth noting that confik works with both .env and os.env at the same time, it looks in both.

Integrate with AWS Secrets manager

# here's the example from official secrets manager docs
# make sure to install the required libraries

import botocore
import botocore.session
from aws_secretsmanager_caching import SecretCache, SecretCacheConfig
import confik

client = botocore.session.get_session().create_client('secretsmanager')
cache_config = SecretCacheConfig()
cache = SecretCache(config=cache_config, client=client)

class SecretsManagerProxy(confik.MapConfiKToMappingProxy):
    def get(self, key, default=None):
        value = cache.get_secret_string(key)

        if value is None:
            return default

        return value

    # You could use the async version if you're using an async library
    async def aget(self, key, default=None):

class SecretsManagerConfiKParser(confik.ConfikParser):
    proxy_class = SecretsManagerProxy

confik = SecretsManagerConfiKParser()

# if you're using the async version
async def get_secret(name):
    return await confik.aget(name)