A water drinking reminder tool designed to help users hydrate regularly. It reminds the user to drink water after a set interval of time to maintain hydration balance and promote health.
空格键 (Spacebar): 暂停/恢复计时器。当计时器暂停时,窗口将不再置顶;恢复计时时,窗口将再次置顶。
Enter键 (Enter Key): 重置计时器,计时从零开始。
加号键 (+ Key): 增加一分钟到当前计时。
减号键 (- Key): 从当前计时减去一分钟。
ESC键 (Escape Key): 退出程序。
鼠标拖动 (Mouse Drag): 移动窗口位置。
Spacebar: Pause/resume the timer. When paused, the window will no longer stay on top; upon resuming, the window will be on top again.
Enter Key: Reset the timer to start from zero.
Plus Key: Add one minute to the current timer.
Minus Key: Subtract one minute from the current timer.
Escape Key: Exit the program.
Mouse Drag: Move the window around the screen.