
🎉 Complete framework to facilitate the creation of giveaways using discord.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Giveaways

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Discord Giveaways is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily create giveaways!

  • The duration of the Giveaway is customizable!
  • Automatic restart after bot crash!
  • Update of the timer every X seconds!
  • The strings are fully customizable so you can adapt them to your language!
  • And customizable prize, customizable number of winners, customizable ignored members, and more!


npm install --save discord-giveaways


Launch of the module

const Discord = require("discord.js"),
client = new Discord.Client(),
settings = {
    prefix: "g!",
    token: "Your Discord Token"

// Requires Manager from discord-giveaways
const { GiveawaysManager } = require("discord-giveaways");
// Starts updating currents giveaways
const manager = new GiveawaysManager(client, {
    storage: "./giveaways.json",
    updateCountdownEvery: 5000,
    default: {
        botsCanWin: false,
        exemptPermissions: [ "MANAGE_MESSAGES", "ADMINISTRATOR" ],
        embedColor: "#FF0000",
        reaction: "🎉"

client.on("ready", () => {
    console.log("I'm ready !");


After that, giveaways that are not yet completed will start to be updated again and new giveaways can be started. You can pass an options object to customize the giveaways. Here is a list of them:

  • client: the discord client (your discord bot instance)
  • options.storage: the json file that will be used to store giveaways
  • options.updateCountdownEvery: the number of seconds it will take to update the timers
  • options.default.botsCanWin: whether the bots can win a giveaway
  • options.default.exemptPermissions: an array of discord permissions. Members who have at least one of these permissions will not be able to win a giveaway even if they react to it.
  • options.default.embedColor: a hexadecimal color for the embeds of giveaways.
  • options.default.embedColorEnd: a hexadecimal color the embeds of giveaways when they are ended.
  • options.default.reaction: the reaction that users will have to react to in order to participate!

Start a giveaway

client.on("message", (message) => {

    const ms = require("ms"); // npm install ms
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if(command === "start-giveaway"){
        // g!start-giveaway 2d 1 Awesome prize!
        // will create a giveaway with a duration of two days, with one winner and the prize will be "Awesome prize!"

        manager.start(message.channel, {
            time: ms(args[0]),
            prize: args.slice(2).join(" "),
            winnerCount: parseInt(args[1])
        }).then((gData) => {
            console.log(gData); // {...} (messageid, end date and more)
        // And the giveaway has started!
  • options.time: the giveaway duration.
  • options.prize: the giveaway prize.
  • options.winnerCount: the number of giveaway winners.
  • options.botsCanWin: whether the bots can win a giveaway.
  • options.exemptPermissions: an array of discord permissions. Members who have at least one of these permissions will not be able to win a giveaway even if they react to it.
  • options.embedColor: a hexadecimal color for the embeds of giveaways.
  • options.embedColorEnd: a hexadecimal color the embeds of giveaways when they are ended.
  • options.reaction: the reaction that users will have to react to in order to participate.

This allows you to start a new giveaway. Once the start() function is called, the giveaway starts and you only have to observe the result, the package does the rest!

Fetch the giveaways

    // The list of all the giveaways
    let allGiveaways = manager.giveaways; // [ {Giveaway}, {Giveaway} ]

    // The list of all the giveaways on the server with ID "1909282092"
    let onServer = manager.giveaways.filter((g) => g.guildID === "1909282092");

    // The list of the current giveaways (not ended)
    let notEnded = manager.giveaways.filter((g) => !g.ended);

Reroll a giveaway

client.on("message", (message) => {

    const ms = require("ms"); // npm install ms
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if(command === "reroll"){
        let messageID = args[0];
        manager.reroll(messageID).then(() => {
            message.channel.send("Success! Giveaway rerolled!");
        }).catch((err) => {
            message.channel.send("No giveaway found for "+messageID+", please check and try again");


options.winnerCount: the number of winners to pick.

Edit a giveaway

client.on("message", (message) => {

    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if(command === "edit"){
        let messageID = args[0];
        manager.edit(messageID, {
            newWinnerCount: 3,
            newPrize: "New Prize!",
            addTime: 5000
        }).then(() => {
            message.channel.send("Success! Giveaway will updated in less than "+(manager.updateCountdownEvery/1000)+" seconds.");
        }).catch((err) => {
            message.channel.send("No giveaway found for "+messageID+", please check and try again");


options.newWinnerCount: the new number of winners.
options.newPrize: the new prize.
options.addTime: the number of milliseconds to add to the giveaway duration.
options.setEndTimestamp: the timestamp of the new end date. Date.now()+1000.

⚠️ Tips: to reduce giveaway time, define addTime with a negative number! For example addTime: -5000 will reduce giveaway time by 5 seconds!

Delete a giveaway

client.on("message", (message) => {

    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if(command === "delete"){
        let messageID = args[0];
        manager.delete(messageID).then(() => {
            message.channel.send("Success! Giveaway deleted!");
        }).catch((err) => {
            message.channel.send("No giveaway found for "+messageID+", please check and try again");


When you use the delete function, the giveaway data and the message of the giveaway are deleted. You cannot restore a giveaway once you have deleted it.

🇫🇷 Translation

You can also pass a messages parameter for start() function, if you want to translate the bot text :

  • options.messages.giveaway: the message that will be displayed above the embeds.
  • options.messages.giveawayEnded: the message that will be displayed above the embeds when the giveaway is ended.
  • options.messages.timeRemaining: the message that displays the remaining time (the timer).
  • options.messages.inviteToParticipate: the message that invites users to participate.
  • options.messages.winMessage: the message that will be displayed to congratulate the winner(s) when the giveaway is ended.
  • options.messages.embedFooter: the message displayed at the bottom of the embeds.
  • options.messages.noWinner: the message that is displayed if no winner can be drawn.
  • options.messages.winners: simply the word "winner" in your language.
  • options.messages.endedAt: simply the words "Ended at" in your language.
  • options.messages.units.seconds: simply the word "seconds" in your language.
  • options.messages.units.minutes: simply the word "minutes" in your language.
  • options.messages.units.hours: simply the word "hours" in your language.
  • options.messages.units.days: simply the word "days" in your language.

Note: units should be in the plural.

For example :

manager.start(message.channel, {
    time: ms(args[0]),
    prize: args.slice(2).join(" "),
    winnerCount: parseInt(args[1]),
    messages: {
        giveaway: "@everyone\n\n🎉🎉 **GIVEAWAY** 🎉🎉",
        giveawayEnded: "@everyone\n\n🎉🎉 **GIVEAWAY ENDED** 🎉🎉",
        timeRemaining: "Time remaining: **{duration}**!",
        inviteToParticipate: "React with 🎉 to participate!",
        winMessage: "Congratulations, {winners}! You won **{prize}**!",
        embedFooter: "Giveaways",
        noWinner: "Giveaway cancelled, no valid participations.",
        winners: "winner(s)",
        endedAt: "Ended at",
        units: {
            seconds: "seconds",
            minutes: "minutes",
            hours: "hours",
            days: "days",
            pluralS: false // Not needed, because units end with a S so it will automatically removed if the unit value is lower than 2

And for the reroll() function:

manager.reroll(messageID, {
    messages: {
        congrat: ":tada: New winner(s) : {winners}! Congratulations!",
        error: "No valid participations, no winners can be chosen!"
}).catch((err) => {
    message.channel.send("No giveaway found for "+messageID+", please check and try again");

options.messages.congrat: the congratulatory message.
options.messages.error: the error message if there is no valid participations.