
Docker image to execute Tuleap REST tests

Primary LanguageShell

Docker image to execute Tuleap REST tests

How to use

To execute all tests, just type:

$> docker run --rm=true -v $PWD:/tuleap enalean/tuleap-test-rest

To execute only one file (actually you can pass any PhpUnit option):

$> docker run --rm=true -v $PWD:/tuleap enalean/tuleap-test-rest tests/rest/ProjectTest.php

Init once execute several times (ie. to develop new tests)

$> docker run -ti --name=init -v $PWD:/tuleap enalean/tuleap-test-rest --init
$> docker commit init tuleap-test-rest-init && docker rm -f init
# Run all tests
$> docker run --rm=true -v $PWD:/tuleap tuleap-test-rest-init --run
# Run only one test
$> docker run --rm=true -v $PWD:/tuleap tuleap-test-rest-init --run tests/rest/ArtifactsTest.php

Continuous integration usage

For jenkins builds:

$> docker run --rm=true -v $WORKSPACE/tuleap:/tuleap -v $WORKSPACE:/output enalean/tuleap-test-rest

Debugging failed tests

While the tests are running, in a separate console run

$> docker ps
$> docker commit [id of process] some_name (e.g. toto)

Then, once the tests have finished running

$> docker run -ti -p 80:80 -v $PWD:/tuleap --entrypoint=/bin/bash toto

This will take you to the terminal. You can then debug internally, if you wish

$> sh run.sh [tests/rest/ProjectTest.php] //runs the test- needs to be done to restart mysql, httpd, ...
$> mysql //check the db
$> curl 'http://localhost:8089/api/v1/projects' //use the API
$> ifconfig //get the IP of the container

You can even debug via the UI by going to http://IP_OF_CONTAINER:8089 and clicking on login (admin:siteadmin)