
Autoencoder Deep Learning model for EEG artifact removal in Android smartphone

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Autoencoder Deep Learning model for EEG artifact removal in Android smartphone

The EEG dataset (preprocessed) and the Autoencoder Python code is in "ae_model" branch. The trained TensorFlow model, and the converted TensorFlow-Lite model are also included in "ae_model" branch.

The Android Studio project is in "android_app" branch.

Statements and instructions:

  1. The EEG datasets used in this work are publicly available, and published by other researchers, the source of the dataset is provided below:

(1). EEG/EOG artifact dataset: can be downloaded from: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/wb6yvr725d/1; and the data usage instructions can be found in DOI: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340916304000?via%3Dihub

(2). EEG/Motion artifact dataset: is from PhysioNet: https://physionet.org/content/motion-artifact/1.0.0/

(3). EEG/EMG artifact dataset: is obtained from the 'EEGDenoiseNet' paper (DOI: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-2552/ac2bf8), data can be downloaded from GitHub:https://github.com/ncclabsustech/EEGdenoiseNet

(Based on these public EEG datasets, this work did appropriate signal pre-processing for the Autoencoder model development. The pre-processing details used for this work can be found in the "code_data" folder -> "Readme" file.)

  1. The trained Autoencoder Model is saved into "saved_model" folder, after downloading the folder, set up the correct directory, and then in Python, run the following code to load the model:

For obtaining a better model performance, the input raw EEG data should be processed in the same as we did: resample EEG to 200~Hz, segment EEG into 4-second length, normalize the segment into (0,1) amplitude range, and then feed into the model.

#%% Load Model from local directory
autoencoder = tf.keras.models.load_model('saved_model/Autoencoder_CNN_model_v4')

#%% Run the model by using your preprocessed EEG data
encoded_layer = autoencoder.encoder(x_test_noisy).numpy()        // x_test_noisy: your own preprocessed EEG data (the INPUT of the autoencoder model), "encoded_layer" is the intermediate result
decoded_layer = autoencoder.decoder(encoded_layer).numpy()       // decoded_layer: the reconstructed EEG data (the OUTPUT of the autoencoder model)

  1. The "autoencoderCNN_final.tflite" is the converted autoencoder model for mobile/edge devices, used for TensorFlow-Lite. The example code for using this in Android can be found in
    "android_app" branch