- bf4Good
- blustemy@microsoft
- brayancrucesCulqi (@culqi)
- brendanmurtySoftware Engineering Manager and Technical Lead
- camjc@ahmdigital
- CedricAlbWeBla
- cheeaunUnemployed since Jul'22
- ChrisLusted
- Comandeer@CKSource
- darius-telycenasBerlin
- devxleoBeijing, China
- estaples
- hachesilvaMedellín, Colombia
- hariktTanvish Technologies @tanvishtech
- InFogNewStore
- Jerzerak
- jonrandahl@PrecisionCoding
- kohlermGermany
- lodyboEindhoven, The Netherlands
- lowmess@ressiosoftware
- lubienAlchemist at @superfly
- mad9scientistMad Scientist Technologies
- martinherweg@dpa-gmbh
- nucliweb@Adevinta
- osvik@greenpeace
- pabchaSalta, Argentina
- program247365Buffalo, NY
- pschfrPittsburgh, PA
- rbelling@getbread
- saviomd@ab-inbev-growth-tech @ab-inbev-ze-company @proclubshead
- sglazov
- usetheticsRg/B
- valpackettArgentina ⭐⭐⭐
- vmx
- ziabobyTrani - Italy
- ZuraGuerra@sophinauta