
An unofficial API for CharacterAI

Primary LanguagePython


An unofficial API for CharacterAI


Run bash npm install node-characterai to install.


const CharacterAI = require('node_characterai');
const uuid = require('uuid')
const characterAI = new CharacterAI();
const prompt = require('prompt-sync')();

(async() => {
    await characterAI.authenticateAsGuest();

    const characterId = "lryij6Pg95hRvpU7y4SLrRzwWvVyCugTF4lpciiJyY8" // Orchid

    const chat = await characterAI.createOrContinueChat(characterId);
    while (true) {
      const message = prompt('You: ');
      const response = await chat.sendAndAwaitResponse(message, true)
      console.log("Orchid: " + response);

This is the same code in index.js.


You can change "Orchid" to anything you like.

Change the bot

Change the "characterId" to the ID of your character, found in the last part of the URL.

Use as a user and not a guest

You can also login as a user using authenticateWithToken() You will need to provide your token. First, login to Character.AI. Then open the developer controls by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+I. Go to application, and click on "@@auth0spajs@@::dyD3gE281MqgISG7FuIXYhL2WEknqZzv::https://auth0.character.ai/::openid profile email offline_access" Open the body, and copy your token. Finally, supply it as a string inside of the function.